Chapter 19

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Hinata knew that there was no time to waste. She used her Byakugan to search around each perimeter as she ran through the village. No sign of Sasuke. She was getting anxious. Where could he be? He wasn't in the village. She decided to search in the forest. As she was running, she realized she was getting closer and closer to the Ikigai Temple, the place where she used to live. The place where she used to take care of Sasuke's injuries. Could he be there? There was only one way to find out.

Hinata stopped running. In front of her eyes there was the temple. Dark and quiet. She took few moments to reminisce of her time there. Flashbacks appeared of how she and Sasuke would stay outside by the fire talking about life, how they used to eat together. How he saved her from those mist shinobi.

Hinata: "Byakugan!"

She scanned the whole temple, but unfortunately he wasn't there either. Hinata's eyes saddened. She began to feel desperate.

Hinata: "Where could he be?! What if... What if I lost him forever? No! I must go on. I can't give up yet. I will search for you until I can't walk anymore!"

Hinata began to run towards a place she once used it to heal herself. The waterfall. As she was getting closer, she began to feel uneasy. She began to feel a strange chakra coming from that place. A dark chakra. Activating the Byakugan, she was able to see clearly. Sasuke was at the waterfall. The demon Sasuke. It looked like he was struggling to heal his wounds. Hinata's feet began to tremble. Cold shivers went through her spine as she was hearing the demon screaming in pain.

Hinata: "This is it. Now it's the time to make things right. Sasuke-kun, I've been through so much pain and so did you. I am ready to go do anything to bring you back. Anything!"

Hinata accelerated and jumped right in front of the waterfall. The demon sensed her. He slowly turned around.

Sasuke: "You... You must be out of your mind to come to me alone. "

Inside the dark abyss, Sasuke's eyes opened wide hearing his name. The demon felt it and got angry.

Sasuke: "You damn b*tch! Who do you think you are talking to, HAA?!"

The demon ran really fast towards her.

Sasuke: "Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!!!"

A giant fireball was coming to Hinata with an incredibly speed!

Hinata:" KAITEN!!!"

Hinata managed to disperse the fire.

Sasuke: "Do you really think you can defeat me?! You must be really stupid."

Hinata: "As I said, I won't leave without Sasuke."
Sasuke: "Sasuke is DEAD!! And you will join him right now!"

The Demon Sasuke used powerful techniques trying to kill Hinata but she fought with all her powers. After some time, as the fight got intense, Hinata managed to hurt internally the demon again. But everything came with some costs because she got severely injured too. She was about to reach her limit. There was only one Tenketsu point that she had to hit and the Demon would not be able to move anymore. Hinata stood on her feet but in the next blink of an eye she was thrown in the air with a powerful hit.

While she was in the air, the Demon used the Lion Combo technique, hitting her in the stomach so hard that when she hit the ground, a giant hole appeared.

Sasuke: "Ha...Ha... You thought you could be any stronger than me? How stupid..."

Hinata tried desperately to stand up but she had no power. That's when the Demon Sasuke flew in the air again, gathering all his strength and preparing his final move.

Sasuke:" You humans are so stupid. Fighting for somethings so trivial as bonds and people. You all are just running around and whine all the time. And you, you are so weak that disgusts me. Insecure, fearful and aimless. So disgusting."

As he was talking, lightning was gathering in his hand, letting out sounds of chirping birds.

Sasuke: "You will never see Sasuke again. DIE!!!!"

He let himself fall with an incredible amount of speed, going like a bullet toward Hinata. She froze in fear. It was impossible for her to dodge. At this rate... she won't make it.

Sasuke: "CHIDORI!!!"

A giant blast was made as he hit the ground. There was so much light that it was impossible to keep the eyes open. It was a deadly silence.

After few moments, as the light began to fade, the night was starting to be visible. Sasuke opened his eyes ready to see the result but instead of a dead body, he saw only some noticeable pieces of hair. He missed it. He went only few centimeters next to her. He was so mad that he began to scream with his demonic voice.


Exhausted, he fell on the ground not being able to move a muscle.

Sasuke: "I felt it. You made me miss this time, you bastard... but mark my words, it won't happen again. She will die. In my hands."

Somewhere in the woods, Hinata was using her last strength to run as fast as she could. She was terrified. Only few centimeters, and she would be dead by now. She was running fanatically, not having a direction, just running like a scared dog not wanting to die.

Hinata: "I....I almost died!!"

As she was running so desperately that she stumbled on a piece of wood and fell on the ground. She stood up quickly, hiding behind the closest tree. Her heart was beating so hard she could hear it in her ears. She was never so scared for her life.

After few minutes, Hinata began to come to her senses.

Hinata: "There is no use. Even when he was inured I didn't have a chance alone. I must find another way... There must be a different way. I must seek help. There might be only one person that can help me. But, for that I must go to Konoha."

To be continued....


Author's note:

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for reading my story! I am terribly sorry for not updating so often... I totally lost my inspiration for few months but now I am back and soon the story will come to an end. 
Thank you again for your support and patience!! This story reached  3,300 views and that is really important to me!

Hope you will stay with me until the end! Take care everyone!!

Love you,


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