Chapter 20

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It was morning already and Karin was so worried about Hinata that she couldn't sleep the whole night. She then heard the door closing so she rushed to see. At the sight of Hinata's state, Karin covered her mouth. Hinata had bruises all over her body. Some parts of her skin was ...burned.

Karin: "Oh my God..."

Hinata took only one step and she fell on the ground losing her consciousness.

Karin: "Hinata!!!"

After 8 hours, Hinata finally opened her eyes. She was lying in bed while Karin was taking care of her wounds.

Karin: "It's okay. You're safe now."
Hinata: "I....I couldn't save him."
Karin: "I'm sorry...." Her eyes saddened.
Hinata: "I am not strong enough. I almost... died."

Karin sighed. She knew that Sasuke in that form was powerful and merciless. It was impossible to get near him. Actually, It was impressive that Hinata managed to escape alive because in that form, he is unstoppable. Thirsty for blood and killing. Just like a demon.

Hinata: "But... I won't give up. There must be another way. There might be someone that could help me, but for that I must return to Konoha"
Karin: "Are you sure?"
Hinata: "Yes."

It passed 3 days and Hinata was almost fully recovered. She still had some bruises but nothing life threatening. As the clock reached 00:00, Hinata was ready to leave.

Hinata: "It's time." Hinata took her backpack and looked at Suigetsu and Karin. They both had worried expressions.
Karin: "We will be here. Come back safe."
Hinata: "Hai!"

She waved at both of them and then ran towards the place where she had all her memories: Konoha. It's been a long time since she left. Even if thoughts and memories came back, she still had one goal. To reach that one person that can help her. She wanted to save Sasuke. Hinata believed every second that Sasuke was not dead and she knew there is not much time left.

              After hours of running, she reached Konoha. She told the shinobi from the main gate what her intentions were and one offered to go with her, just to be sure she will arrive safe. They passed through the village. It was 3 AM so everybody were mostly asleep. As they were walking, she arrived at her old house. The Hyuuga house. It was so quiet around. The grass was not trimmed. There were spider webs everywhere and it was really cold around it. That happens when people don't live in a house for a long time. Hinata's eyes began to tremble as she began to remember moments with her family that happened in that house. How she used to train with her father. How she and Hanabi used to play together in the garden. Of course, her family wasn't perfect, but it was hers. And she loved each one of them from their qualities and values, and she always chose to take their flaws as a challenge to become better. Those moments that made Hinata's heart ache. She took a moment of silence as she got on her knees, with her head bowed, praying for her family. As respect for the Hyuuga family, the guard began to pray as well, just like Hinata did, on his knees with his head bowed down.

As they were walking, Hinata saw Naruto's apartament. The light was of course turned off because he slept at that late hour. She remembered how much she cared for Naruto and how much she admired him. She wondered why he didn't notice her in all those years.

Hinata: "Maybe... it wasn't meant to be." Hinata thought to herself.

They were getting closer and closer to the Hokage's Tower. As they arrived, the guard entered the room first, then he let Hinata enter too.

Tsunade was extremely surprised to see Hinata after all this time. It felt like it's been ages.

Tsunade: "Hinata..."
Hinata: "It's been a long time, Tsunade-sama."
Tsunade: "Mhm. It's been a long time." Tsunade looked carefully at Hinata's appearance. She was more mature but the bags under her eyes weren't lying. It wasn't easy. Tsunade noticed Hinata's bruises and got close to her, putting her hand on Hinata's forehead.
Tsunade: "You are burning. Hinata you have a fever." She rapidly grabbed a little bottle of medicine and gave Hinata to drink.
Tsunade: "It will make you feel better."

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