Chapter 16

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            It was bad... Sasuke wasn't himself anymore. He became the monster everybody feared. His cursed seal form was complete and none of his friends knew if he was still there or not. Suigetsu raised his hand and put it in front of Karin and Hinata so that Sasuke won't get close. He was extremely anxious because he knew what Sasuke was capable of if he turns in that creature. He clenched his teeth.

Suigetsu: "Damn it! This is bad... This is really bad...."

Suigetsu's arm began to tremble as his forehead was getting sweaty. Karin looked at Suigetsu extremely worried. She never saw him like that. Hinata was shocked seeing Sasuke in that form. She remembered form that night, seeing a creature with big wings walking away from the dead bodies of her sister and father. It was him after all...

Sasuke didn't move for few seconds. No one said a word. They could only feel their hearts beat faster and faster until Sasuke made eye contact with them. They all felt it as a cold shiver down their spines. The atmosphere was heavy. They could feel like heavy rocks were on their back. Everything was really tense, until Sasuke began to giggle until he let out an evil laughter. His voice was different.

Sasuke: "HahahaHAHA!"

Everyone stared at him feeling extremely anxious.

Sasuke: "So... this is what it feels to be free... No one to control me! HAHAHA!! I can do whatever I want now!"

Suigetsu: "Karin, Hinata! You have to run, right NOW!"

Karin gasped, grabbed Hinata's hand and ran outside.

Sasuke: "OH!? Not so fast! I'm not done yet. I'm sooo hungry!"

Sasuke's speed was so fast that it was like he was teleporting from a place and another. He tried to reach the girls, but Suigetsu appeared in front of him with his big sword, blocking Sasuke from reaching them.

Suigetsu: "Sasuke! You bastard!! You better hear me, YOU! Don't you dare hurt Karin or Hinata!! I will stop you even if I have to put my life on the line!"
Sasuke: "Oh, Sasuke? He's gone! It's only me now. But you... Such determination! Such passion! I am impressed... but ... for me, this kind of people disgust me! They only make me want to kill them slowly until they swallow their useless words of bravery and shit like that".
Suigetsu: "Where is Sasuke, you bastard!"
Sasuke: "Oh?! That useless piece of shit? I had enough of his weak mind and his worthless efforts to defeat someone like me. That worthless human is not here anymore. But hey, thanks to his hatred towards himself, I am free! BAHAHA! What a loser..."
Suigetsu: "This guy... he is definitely not Sasuke. But... Sasuke? Are you really....gone?"

Deep down, somewhere in a dark abyss, Sasuke was not dead but he was not alive either. He was drowning in a sea of darkness.

Sasuke: "Okay. Enough with the crappy bullsh*t. I need to see some fresh blood on my hands. MOVE!"

         Sasuke hit Suigetsu with one of his wings so hard that threw him through the walls, outside the house, few meters away. The girls coulnd't run far enough so they had to hide in some bushes. Karin was dead worried for Suigetsu until she felt pain coming from her stomach. She was pregnant after all... Hinata was frozen. She was in state of shock. But then she saw Karin trying to keep silent as she was in deep pain. She whispered:

Karin: " Please.... hang in there Kara-chan!"
Hinata: "Are you in pain?"
Karin: "Hinata-sama... I am... pregnant.. but it hurts bad right now."
Hinata: "Please! Lay down on the ground. I will help you!"

Karin did as she was told and Hinata began to activate her medical jutsu, holding her hands on Karin's belly, healing her. As she was doing that, Karin began to regain her strength. Hinata activated her Byakugan and looked at Karin's belly.
Hinata: "Karin-chan. The child is okay now. Only 2 more minutes and you two are safe."
Karin's eyes got teary as she thanked Hinata with her all.

SasuHina - "Better Than Me" 2019Where stories live. Discover now