Chapter 17 "Fallen Angel"

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Somewhere in the woods, there was a creature that was injured. It was Sasuke who was fighting against the monster that took control over him. The monster was holding his head with both of his hands and began to yell.

Sasuke: "Damn you!! You won't win! I am too powerful for a weak piece of shit like you! I will make that girl pay for this!"

The next day came and Hinata was with Suigetsu and Karin. Hinata was using her medical jutsu to heal Karin the whole night. They all were exhausted. After hours of silence, Hinata said something.

Hinata: "There. Karin-chan, you are healed. The baby is okay. You don't have to worry anymore. The only thing you need to do is get some rest."
Karin: "Oh... I am so relieved. Thank you so much... you worked really hard."
Hinata: "Don't worry. I will make a tea that will help you relax and sleep."

Karin nodded and laid down in bed wiping her tears of joy. Suigetsu kissed her forehead and walked in the kitchen. He bowed down.

Suigetsu: "Thank you, Hinata-sama. You saved our baby. We are grateful for this. "
Hinata: "It's okay. I am happy I could help you. Please, take this tea and make sure Karin-chan will drink the whole of it. "
Suigetsu: "Hai."

After a while, Karin finally fell asleep. Hinata and Suigetsu were in the kitchen. Hinata was still overwhelmed after everything that happened with Sasuke.

Suigetsu: "Hinata. I know this is difficult for you but... I have to ask. Sasuke is still... alive, right? You said you saw his chakra. "
Hinata: "Yes... I saw it. But it was really weak. He was still there but his state was really uncertain. It's like...he was fading away."
Suigetsu: "I see... damn it! That bastard. I never imagined this would happen... damn it."

Suigetsu understood his question made Hinata sad so he tried to change the subject, but what could he talk about? Sasuke? No. Her family? No. Her day? No. It was hard to talk to her. Her life was so unhappy and ufortunate. He felt sad for her. Her eyes were so full of sorrow.

Suigetsu: "Man... how is this girl keeping on? I would be finished by now. She and Sasuke are so alike somehow. They both share a similar past."

Hinata:" Can I ask you something? "
Suigetsu: "Y-Yes." 
Hinata: "Can you tell me more about him? Can you please tell me how he ended up in Akatsuki? How was he like?" 
Suigetsu: "Um... are you sure?"
Hinata: "Yes."
Suigetsu: "O-Okay. Well... I don't know how was he like before Akatsuki because I didn't know him before. But after he joined Akatsuki, Orochimaru was fascinated by Sasuke. He wanted his power so much that he put a seal on Sasuke. The cursed seal... So he could control him whenever he wanted to and be sure he won't ever be able to leave Akatsuki. Sasuke became is best weapon. He was bitter, cold and destructive. He was dangerous. Not someone you want to talk with. He wanted to become stronger by any piece so he did everything Orochimaru asked him to do. He was cruel, savage and merciless. We all feared him somehow. "

 Suigetsu: "But, Sasuke had a weak spot. He couldn't kill children. He even told Orochimaru that he will murder anything he wants, except children. That was his only request. Of course, Orochimaru agreed in the beginning, but as a snake he was, he made Sasuke kill an innocent child for the first time. Sadly, that was your little sister. Sasuke was assigned with the mission of killing the council head, which unfortunately was your father. Sasuke told me, he had no idea how your little sister ended up at the council at that late hour of night, but she witnessed the death of your father. Sasuke told her to run but that Orochimaru bastard took control over Sasuke, and made him kill her too, for his own sick amusement. I know this is not an excuse or something, but Sasuke didn't want to do that. He told me, after his brother murdered his family, he left him alive because he couldn't bear the pain of killing him too.That's why Sasuke never wanted or could kill children. "

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