chapter 27

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Omar POV

I couldn't sleep so I decide to go to Georgina to eat, plus Stacy drink work my head stop hurting me. On the way I feel like I should call Emmy but she most be sleeping after all the drinking last night, so I turn on my radio to help me to stop thinking about what she say about love but it not help at all, I remember what My mom always say about love.

"love is like the ocean it's a deep feeling you cant control but it also like a butterfly it's free, just like with each move it winks make love grows stronger, it's like it can full up a entire rose with it body, that what love feel like to me son, one day you will understand the way love is and it the same way that I love you and your father".

I know I would want to love like that one day and I wish I could help Emmy believe in love like that too but how can you make someone feel love went they spend their whole life not loving, where would I start.

I entry the restaurant drive way on go to the parking lots. I get out my car and go into JB burgers it's not that full today, I know that Anut Georgina most be furious today she hate went the place look like a ghost town. Has I step in I see Kim just smiling at me, why is she alway this polite.
Kimberly "hi Omar you not work today, what are you doing here".
Omar "I know I just come to see Georgina, where is she anyway".
Kimberly "oh good I taught you come to work cause I know you just love to work all the time....... anyway she's in her office".
Omar "ok... thank I will see you around" I give her the sweetest smile and head to Georgina office.
I could see David with some of his crazy ass friends sitting at the corner booth, look like their are still drunk as hell.

Omar "hey Georgie look like you going out of business", I say smiling for ear to ear.
Georgina "what the fuck you want ass hole".
Omar "nothing for you, you going to need it more than me".
Georgina "you going to sorry you say that I am going to fucking kill you dickhead".
Omar "yeah right chill, just come to grad something to eat couldn't sleep".
Georgina "hmm.. what wrong with mommy big baby need some milk", She say holding her breast to me.
Omar "you most be carzy, you have no milk ever", laughing my ass off. While she walk over to me laughing too.

Georgina "fuck you let get some lunch before I kill you and put your ass in the fridge and sell you little by little to your father". We laugh walking out her office.
Omar "alright... let go cause I know you would do that shit".
Georgina "yeah so how is that cute girlfriend of your, she get out the hospital yet".
Omar "what girlfriend?
Georgina "the one in the hospital are you sick are something, you treating her like the queen is she".
Omar "she's not my girlfriend we are just friend and she is doing great the last time I see her".
Georgina " the last time and how long was that Omar, I have known you from you were 2 year old and I know that you like her and that she even look alot like your mother I am not blind and the first time I saw her I cry cause I didn't even stop steering at her until she left the restaurant, that why I like her too, you are always around her I can tell went you want to just be friend, she remind me a lot of her too you know.... you are like a son to me, so be with her if you like her and tell her, stop hiding behind the past your mother would want you to be happy sweetie".
Omar "hmm... you alway know me but she is difficult to talk to, she don't even like me and plus I only want to be friend with her, she being through alot and I don't want to push her away are into anything".
Georgina "ok if you want to be a pussy and don't tell her you like her, jeez you just want to be friends then be there for her and just treat her like the queen she is and omar do me one favour don't tell her you know....about your mommy and that she look just like her, she will think you are using her for your mother death... that you keep blaming yourself for okay.
Omar "I was planning not to already cause she is my second chance to be with my mom are just feel like but I alway want her to like me and not push me away all the time just to have that choice".
Georgina "Omar don't push her away either, you say she being through a lot and if she being throught anything like you, she will be needing a true friend like you".
Omar "yes I know, I will be there for her always just if she let me".
Georgina "you know what take her so of my amazing burger and go see her.... it be too long".
Omar "yeah but we are support to have lunch togethers, you sure I could go after we have lunch".
Georgina "yes I am sure, Kimberly two large burgers and extra chips to go"! She call out while standing up for her seat.
Kimberly "coming right up!".
Omar "thank you for everything".
Georgina "your welcome and I love you too". She say while hugging me
Omar "yeah right but you want to sell me to my dad for dinner".
Georgina "just go before I change my mind",she say with a smile on her face.
I walking over to Kim for the order to go to the Hospital.
Omar "hi Georgie did you hear for dad".
Georgina "no why haven't he call you".
Omar "no he haven't call me seen he left, you think he is still mad at me for not going to the ceremony, I... just haven't been there seen dad last taken me, I just don't know what to say went I see her, you know".
Kimberly "here you go".
Omar "thank you".
Georgina "thanks you Kim and please get the bill for those guys they are going to kill thier self with beer, had to much".
Kimberly "okay nice seeing you again Omar".
Omar "hmm... yeah you too".

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