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~ Keith's P.O.V

    After Lance and I had our talk, the group had already prepared a feast for Lance. This made Lance really happy and full since there was a lot of food and pies. Everything was back to normal and everyone had a sad moment for Lance's past.

But we all know that we must go on knowing that our dearest ones remain in our hearts... just like my father. We all made a toast to an oath that we will always be a family and remain the good friends we are today. No matter what our differences are, it will not stop our bond. Not to anything and not to anyone.

We will always be family.

This is will be a memorable night that I have spent with all of them, being happy that I have people that I can trust and love so much.

May we return to earth soon to meet the rest of their families.

And we will end this war once and for all.


      After dinner, I went to go play some games with Hunk and Pidge since they forced me to play with them, sigh. Not going to lie though, it's sort of fun. It's close to midnight, so I decided to end the night here and go to sleep, I said goodnight to these two kids that will most likely stay up all night playing video games. I really like the fact that we are in war right now but the are spending their time playing with a box (console). 

Before going to my room, I want to drink something for my dry throat. As I walk to the kitchen, I hear some whispering. But as I walk closer to the sound, there are two people having a conversation.

Allura and Lance.

"Did you like the pie that I made?" Allura asks Lance
"It was a pretty unique taste.. thank you" Lance smiles at her

Her pie actually tasted kind of weird... nice save Lance.

"... I just want to say... I'm sorry for everything Lance... I'm still learning as I'm living. But I will be sure to not repeat what I have said or done and to make sure to bring peace to the people of the universe. I must not be clouded." Allura looks down

Lance puts his hand on her shoulder, "Allura, mistakes are made to be learn.  You were always a magnificent princess and you will become an even more wonderful princess... because that is just who you are. You are kind and strong. Voltron needs you, the people needs you to save this universe. And I am most certain that you will. Please stop frowning, I rather see those beautiful and strong look that you naturally have." Lance holds her chin up to cheer her up.

My heart stings, like needles poking it, trying to break in... why am I feeling this...

Allura blushes, "Lance..."

Lance takes his hand back and just smiles casually... the stinging hurts less now... he usually goes with the flow but for some reason, hes not doing what he'd usually do with Allura.

But then suddenly, Allura grabs Lance's hand and looks to her side shyly, "Would you mind coming to my habitat for a little? So we can chat a bit more..."

I can't handle it anymore... the stingings came back even harder  just like bee stings. I want to step between them. But... I shouldn't... I have to respect Lance's choice... I'll just go back to my room now... I'm not so thirsty anymore. Just as I was going to walk back, I hear Lance's reply:

"Sorry Allura, I will have to turn down your offer" he says as he grabs Allura's hand from his own and just shook it with both of his hands.

Allura seeming shock and just a tiny hint of embarrassment, "Oh I see... you're tired?"

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