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~ Lance's P.O.V

    We have been walking- oh wait I mean Keith has been walking for about 10 minutes until he spots a cave.

"Looks empty" he says
"Let's rest in there for now." I suggested

He must be pretty tired carrying me all the way here. I feel bad. I can feel his tiring breath and his arms slightly shaking. I owe him one, for sure. We enter the cave, the first thing Keith does is putting me down delicately and then he sits down to breath in some air.

"Thanks Keith... really."
"You would've done the same for me... more like you already did. So it's fine."
"You're actually a nice guy when you want to be"
"... thanks I guess."

Fuck this wound still hurts. I didn't bring any proper medical shit so I'm worried if it gets infected or something.
"Alright I took my break, let's get that wound wrapped up" Keith walks to me
"But we don't have any medical supplies..."
"We? More like you don't. I came prepare unlike someone."
"Take off your suit"
"Anything more you want me to take off, Sir Keith?"
"Stop thinking dirty and just do as I say."
"Yes sire"

I start removing the suit off of me but at the half of my abs, immense pain came instantly making me stop every movement.

"Lance, slowly..."
"Fuck..." I cry out

I feel Keith's knee between my legs, observing his chest that's a few inches away from my face.

"I'll help you... there."

If it was girl that close to me I think my heart would be pounding... Her specifically. Not that Keith made it look awkward... on the very contrary, I feel very comfortable and secure. Which I normally don't feel around him. We would be fighting, arguing and taking each other's heads off.

It's different than usual, but I don't dislike it all.

"OWWWW" I yell out as I feel a burning liquid on my wound
"Quit screaming like a baby, it's just alcohol."
"It still BURNS!"
*breathing heavily* fuck it hurts...

I lean forward like I'm about to fall frontwards, however, my head lands on Keith's shoulder, giving me support.
"Ahh... ah.. I told you it burns..."
"Sorry, I shouldn't have messed around like that."

For some odd reason, flashbacks are kicking in my brain, reminding the times I was sick that I had to stay in bed all day feeling cold and coughing like I'm about to get KO like any other sick person. Sure it would hurt a bit and sure I would feel like shit, but my mother was always there for me. She would sit there next to me, patting my head which gave me warmth and security. I wouldn't feel alone nor would I feel sad because I had her, the number 1 woman in my life.  Her gentle caressing were far better than any medicine.

Then she would say, "You will be okay, mi hijo. Mami está aquí."

I miss her.

"You will be okay, Lance. I'm here... alright?" A voice stops my beloved memories and I feel a gentle, warm taps on my back.
"You will be okay. The wound will heal in no time."

Not once have ever I thought that Keith would be this soft and kind to me. He's not my mom but... it reminds me... its so similar...

"...Lance?" Keith says in a surprising tone
"Please... let me be like this ... for a couple of seconds..."
"... Okay."

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