name: Yoo Bora stage name: Bae nickname(s): Bora birthdate + age: 03 January 1989 | 29 birthplace + hometown: Seoul, South Korea + Busan, South Korea nationality: Korean ethnicity: Korean height + weight: 170cm + 50kg
motto: Be yourself. Focus on yourself.
likes: • Shopping • Food • Games • Practice • Arts
trivia: • can speaks English + Japan + Basic Chinese • Once a SOPA students • Close Friends with Taeyeon, SNSD former member • Love to eat but never get fat
audition song: I by Taeyeon
message to ceos: Annyeong sajangnim. If u let me enter this show, I'll promise to u and everyone else that I'll work hard and do my best. Please tell me and teach me well. Kamsahamnida..
message to fellow members: Dear fellow members, please keep our hardwork and improving ourselves so that we can be better and great than ever.
position in violet : main dancer , lead vocalist , face of the group