One Saturday Morning

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Saturday mornings. God bless Saturday mornings.

" cute..." Laughing hyenas.

"...our grandkids..." Cooing pigeons.

"...married first..." Piglets squeal.

" beautiful..." Sad ducks awing.

"...the dress..." More piglets.

"ooh...beach...beautiful garden..." Gasping.

"...the summer...Italy...France..." Excited piglets.

"...fall...New York...Hawaii..." Annoying clapping seals.

Walez stirs. "Axe?" He says sleepily.

Axe grunts.

"Can you shoot the piglets?" Walez says annoyed.

"I don't own a gun, you do it." She snuggles closer to Walez.

Sad ducks awing.

"When did you buy a farm?" Walez asks burying his nose deeper into Axe's hair.

More hyenas.

"Andy bought it for me, I think..." Axe replies.

"Who the heck is Andy?" He asks starting to wake up a little more.

"...Walez you were at the wedding, stop being stupid." Axe says wrapping an arm around Walez' torso.

"Oh yea..." Walez starts to fall back asleep.

More hyenas.

He groans. "Did he have to put the farm in the house?" Wrapping his arm tighter around Axe.

"We didn't want to have to go outside to be outside." Axe scratches her nose.

"That makes sense. Are you happy?" Walez sighs.

More sad ducks.

"Umhm..., but I miss you a lot." Axe says rubbing her nose into his bare chest.

Squealing piglet and sad duck.

"I miss you too." Walez reaches behind him blindly, grabs a pillow and swings it hitting "the piglet and the sad duck".

"Weylynn Connor Stephens!!! Why did you hit me!!?" The "gobbling turkeys" ask in unison.

"Your barn animals are rude." He says putting his arm back around Axe.

Distant gobbling turkeys.

"Only until Thanksgiving." She says


"WALEZ! I'm not Sophia Vergara stop calling me that." Axe says sitting up. She looks around to find that she and Walez fell asleep on the living room floor...again.  She picks up a pillow and slaps him with it. "Get up!!"

"I don't wanna." He wraps an arm around her waist and pulls her to him, then rolls over so that she's closest to the couch. "Sleep is good". He snuggles closer to her.

"Walez...?" She whines.

"Hmmm...?" He says groggily.

"I smell bacon." She says defeated from struggling with his vice grip around her waist and failing miserably.

Walez shoots up like a rocket. He's still holding her by her waist, so she is dangling at his side. He takes off to the kitchen with his eyes still closed.

"Walez, I can walk you know!" She slaps his arm.

He opens his eyes and drops her on the kitchen floor. He rushes toward the plate of hot bacon on the kitchen island. Takes a bite and moans at the flavor.

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