You Are SO DEAD!!

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"You're such a female. Just tell her!" Maq states impatiently while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I can't man. What if she freaks out?" Reyke says nervously. He begins to pace. "What am I going to do? If I tell her, she'll freak. If I don't tell her and she finds out somehow, I'm dead." Reyke says getting more and more depressed as his monologue goes on.

"Wouldn't you prefer her to freak out than to kill you?" He asks watching Reyke pace. "You're blowing this way-"

He kneels before Maq. "You have to promise me man." He says grabbing Maq's collar dramatically. "You'll-"

"You aren't dying Shakespeare!" He wrenches Reyke's hands off of his designer t-shirt.

He stands and begins to pace once more.  "... do the fireworks after the funeral. I don't want anything taking away from the eulogies." He says looking at Maq pleading with his eyes. 

Maq rolls his beautiful eyes. "It's not thaaa-Fireworks! Okay man, you got it! Fireworks after the funeral. Just to get a rough estimate, about how long should the fireworks last?" Maq asks, suddenly interested in Reyke's theatrics.

He waves him off. "I don't care man, just make sure it's epic." Reyke sits down on the old couch and holds his head in his hands, and mumbling to himself.

Maq grabs his tablet out of his back pocket and starts planning his fireworks display for Reyke's Rock~n~Roll themed funeral.

Jabb walks into the garage from the kitchen. "What's his deal?" Pointing to Reyke. "We go on break for 15 minutes and suddenly he's looks like he's going through a midlife crisis."

"He's dying!" Maq answers excitedly without looking up.

"Dying of what, stupidity?" Jabb starts laughing. "Please let me do the Eulogy?" He says laughing more. He clears his throat. "Friends and Family of the dearly delir-"

"YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY!!! AXE IS GOING TO KILL ME!" He says standing. "and Whaleman... he'll castrate me." He flops down onto the dusty couch. "I'm going to die a woman...without boobs." He puts his head in his hands.

Still laughing at his overly dramatic best friend. "Dude whatever you did can't be that bad, right?" Jabb asks amusedly. "RIIIGHT?" He asks again beginning to worry.

Reyke just looks at him with puppy dog eyes.

Jabb pales. "What did you do? Maq! What did he do?!"

Maq looks up annoyed. "Does it matter?! He's dying anyways! I'm trying to plan a fireworks display here!" He says annoyed and goes back to planning.

He turns toward Reyke. "Reyke, Reyke! Man look at me." He then stands and starts to pace. "We can sneak you out of the country on a freight boat. We'll dye our hair, get you a mustache and change my eye color. We'll stop working out and drink loads of beer, move to Brazil and call you Señor Pepe De La Rosa Saint Aviera. We'll find me a wife. We'll live in the mountains and have a wolf for a guard dog. They'll never find us. Come on." Jabb says and grabs him by the arm.

Reyke stops him."You think that will work?"

Jabb scratches his head."Maybe, but we have to leave now before they come back from break."

They get ready to leave, but Maq stops them. "Where are you two going?"

"Nowhere!" They both answer in high pitched voices.

He stares them down. "Okay, but don't miss the funeral. Especially you Reyke. It will be some of my best work yet." He gives them a proud smile and puffs his chest out.

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