Birthday Buddies

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"Yeeeee Haaaaaw!! Up and at 'em cowboy!!" Reyke yells while inappropriately riding Jabb's back and whipping his shirt over his head.

Jabb groans in annoyance. "Can you please get your manhood off my back bro? I feel violated." Jabb says face down in his pillow, willing Reyke to get up.

"Aww, come on get up!!" Reyke says bouncing.

"I would if you got off me." Jabb dead pans.

Reyke tries to get up, but his foot is caught in the sheet and he hits the floor face first. Jabb gets up like a blind zombie not paying attention and falls over Reyke.

"Out of all of the best friends in the universe, I had to get the uncoordinated crazy one." Jabb scowls at Reyke annoyed and grouchy.

Reyke sits up and slaps Jabb on the butt. "What the heck are you doing on the floor?" Reyke looks strangely at Jabb.

Jabb opens his mouth to speak, but decides against it. He gets up, looks down at Reyke and just shakes his head. "Did you take your meds?" he says as Reyke stands.

"Yes mom, can't you tell?" Reyke gets up and begins marching in place. "Today is YOOOOOOOOOUR BIRTHDAY!!!" Reyke pulls out a small party horn from his back pocket and blows it while simultaneously throwing a pocketful of confetti, before placing a tiara on Jabb's head.

Jabb just shakes his head with a smile on his face. "...w-" 

Reyke pushes Jabb toward the bathroom. "Hurry up princess, we got things to do!" 

Jabb turns around toward Reyke. "Please tell me there isn't a party."

"Bro, I am the party. Let's face it..." Reyke starts singing. "Your life! Would suck! WITHOOOOUT ME!"

Jabb slams the door in his face and starts undressing.


Jabb comes out of the bathroom with a towel on.

"Whooo seeeexay!" Reyke says while jumping on Jabb's bed. "Took you long enough Velma." He jumps off of Jabb's disheveled king sized bed. "Get dressed. Mom made your favorite!."

"Go eat, I'll be down in 10." Jabb says trying to get Reyke out of the room.

"You better, or I'll let Jake and Max in, and we'll really get the party started." Reyke threatens Jabb with a smile on his face.

"Fine, fine, go. I'll be down I promise." He says to Reyke's back as he slowly heads toward the staircase.


Jabb enters the kitchen wearing a white/grey Bob Marley loose tank top, navy chino pants, navy and white chucks.

"Bo Bo!" yells Jabb's 2 year old brother Max. Jabb picks him up and kisses his cheek. "Boday Bo Bo." Max says giving Jabb a picture he drew him. Jabb smiles at the picture of himself as a stick figure super-saiyan with glasses.

"You drew that for me? It looks awesome little dude." He smiles while tickling him. He puts him down in his high chair. His husky, Jake then jumps him. Jabb laughs, "Good morning to you too Jake." He pets him and plays with him. He then walks over to the sink and washes his hands.

"Happy Birthday Sweet Pie!!" Jabb's mom kisses him on the cheek and hands him his plate. "How's my birthday boy? Sleep well?"

"I was until SOMEONE..." he looks at a smiling Reyke. "...decided to ride me like a prized bull." He takes a forkful of blueberry-chocolate chip Belgian waffles and drowns it in warm blueberry-maple syrup.

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