Chapter Two

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"What the hell just happened?" Percy asked me quietly as we followed Mr Brunner, the man in the wheelchair.

I bit my lip. If Percy knew the truth, we would both be in more danger than ever. I needed to pretend that I didn't know what happened, as painful as it was to lie, I knew that this was the better option.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I dragged you in there so I could see the carvings again, on the way back from getting told off by Miss... Kerr." The name of Percy's substitute math teacher sprung to mind instantly, from my many rereading's of the Percy Jackson series. "These carvings are incredible!" The lying came easily to me, but I still felt terrible.

"But... I... There was, Mrs Dobbs, a bat creature, she attacked me," Percy stammered.

"And you forgot to give Ch- Mr Brunner his pen back after you borrowed it." I continued, ignoring his ramblings. All of a sudden, the corridor we were walking down filled with a mist like substance, but Percy didn't seem to notice. I stared at the mist swirling around our feet. Instinct made me turn to look behind us. There, a figure stood, shrouded in the mist.

Hecate. My mind whispered, and I knew instantly that it was true. The goddess of magic had come to see me. She watched us, and our eyes met. Thank you. I whispered in my head, instinctively knowing that she was offering her help.

She dipped her head, before vanishing from view.

I blinked; Percy was still talking. ".... could have sworn that there was a Mrs Dobbs. You sure that there was never one at school? She was the... Uh... what are we doing in here again? I thought we were outside eating." Percy's tone had gone from accusing to confused in a millisecond.

Percy's eyes were a little unfocused as he tried to think.

"Nancy fell into the water fountain and blamed us. Mrs Kerr just told us off, and I dragged you to one of the rooms to look at the carvings. Then Mr Brunner came to find us cause we are about to leave." I told Percy, summing up what I remembered from the very first chapter of the book, and what had just happened.

"Oh... I don't remember...." Percy trailed off.

"You okay?" I asked him. "You look a bit hot and bothered, maybe you have heatstroke?"

Percy looked behind us, then at me, as if sensing that something wasn't quite right, but not entirely sure what. After a second, he shrugged, accepting my version of events. "Maybe. I should probably get a drink."

After that the rest of the walk, and the boarding of the bus on the way back to Percy's school, were uneventful. But one thought remained uneasily on my mind. Hecate was on the titan's side of the war, which Is the war coming up. So why is she paying such special attention to me?


The school at which Percy and I attended, was called Yancy Academy. A huge red brick building reminiscent of a boarding school in the 70s, complete with dorms, single room classrooms and a cafeteria.

Trying to figure out where I fitted in to everything was a confusing task to say the least, but I had to learn my way around the school, pretending I had been attending the entire year. However, as the days went by, I slowly learnt who I was in this world. Emmalie James, was an orphan with a scholarship, and a reputation of sticking her nose in other's business. A lot of the things I heard about myself, seemed very alike to my life back home.

I was the cool senior student who stood up for everyone, had zero intolerance for bullies, and made friends with everyone. I was 2 years above Percy and Grover in school. However, none of my previous schooling had included the subject Latin, so for Latin I was in their class. Which was why I had been on the trip to the museum.

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