❂ Chapter Ten ❂

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When we got back to camp, we got to burn our burial shrouds that the campers had made for us. Mine and Will's had been made by our brothers, who were very glad to see us alive and well. I loved them. Mine had been coloured rose gold, Will's was yellow gold. They both had bows and arrows on them, shooting with an arrow the colour of the other's shroud. They were beautiful, but I was very glad not to be burnt in mine.

"So, the prophecy...." Percy trailed off.

We were back on the beach, outside camp. It was so much like our first day, that I felt rather nostalgic.

"Five shall travel west to face the god who has turned, they shall find what has been stolen, and see it safely returned, the sun's child shall change the heart of a friend, but shall fail to save what matters most, in the end. " I recited.

"Do you know what it means?" Percy asked.

"Well, we went west, and faced Ares eventually." I started.

"And we saw both the helm and the bolt returned" Percy continued. "But the last lines?"

The sun's child shall change the heart of a friend. I had hoped it would mean that I would change Luke's heart, but now I wasn't so sure. "I changed Annabeth's heart towards me" I answered, even though I wasn't too sure about it.

"And the last line?" Percy nodded.

"Well. I failed to save mum, didn't I? You had to save her from the underworld, and then you let her save herself, so neither of us saved her." Percy had told me how he had left Sally the head of Medusa.

"So the prophecy has come true then?" Percy asked.

I nodded.

It was strange.

I knew exactly who Luke was working for, but I still found myself looking forward to training with him. We seemed to grow closer as the summer went on too.

"Want to go see if we can catch something in the forest?" Luke asked one day.

I felt a twinge of worry at his words. That had been the same thing he had asked Percy before setting a pit scorpion on him. But then I chastised myself. What would Luke gain by killing me?

We talked as we walked, drinking coke. The woods were kept stocked for anyone who wanted to 'try their luck' as Chiron put it, but we didn't find anything. Luke was all glittery, which made me nervous too.

"What's wrong?" I asked as we sat beside the river. It was the same river that Percy had fought the Ares kids in. I had gotten claimed by Apollo just over by that pine tree there.

"Nothing." Luke said. Too quickly.

"There's something bothering you" I decided.

"Yeah." Luke agreed, giving me an odd look. "There is."

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

Luke blinked. "You're not like other twelve years olds'" He commented.

I bit my lip. "No, I'm not" I agreed.

"Why?" Something about his tone startled me, bring back memories. Hermes's voice appeared in my head, repeating the same thing in my head, over and over; trust Luke, will you, trust Luke, will you...

In that moment, I took Hermes's advice. I decided to trust Luke.

"My name's not really Emmalie Jackson" I told him.

He choked on his coke, splattering it everywhere. "What is your name then?" He asked after he'd recovered.

"Its Emmalie James." I looked at him, curious to how he would take it.

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