❂ Chapter Twelve ❂

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AN: So i just realized that when i was writing this over a year ago, i switched from third person to first person.... Oh well, I guess i'm writing in first person now. Sorry everyone for the long hiatus from this.......

Yepp... Umm..... On with the story?


Almost a year ago, i told Luke that he would find something to do after camp. Today, i was proved right. When Chiron was sacked, the camp needed someone to take his place, and well... Luke volunteered. He was the oldest and most respected camper by far, so it kind of made sense. Besides, Luke didn't like the sound of Tantalus, and it gave him something else to do other than researching ways to cure Thalia.

Even though we both knew the best cure was going to be the golden fleece, I couldn't persuade him to stop researching other ways to heal her. And honestly, I didn't really want to. We both wanted to heal her. And the added benefit of getting her un-stuck from the tree is a too good of an opportunity to waste.

Percy, Annabeth, and the cyclops Tyson, arrived halfway through the day. They had helped Clarrise and her patrol fight off a couple of fire-breathing mechanical bulls. I only knew this because i had to heal some of her patrol members, who told me what happened. Those burns had looked painful.

When I finally got a break from the infirmary, I headed over to the Poseidon cabin. Percy was very glad to see me, as we hadn't seen each other since I had visited during the autumn holidays. Over the year, i had grown taller than him, I was almost a head taller now, which was satisfying. I knew it wouldn't last... boy's tend to hit puberty later. And once he had hit puberty there was nothing stopping him from growing taller than me.

At dinner, Tyson was claimed by Poseidon. It cause a huge mass discussion among the campers. Some not nice things were said about the cyclops behind his back. I was disgusted bu how many people thought he didn't deserve to be at camp. I did my best to ignore the comments, and just concentrate on my dinner. After dinner was officially over, I was formally introduced me to Tyson, who was cool to meet. When Percy said that i was his sister, Tyson yelled "Sister!" and hugged me. Percy couldn't persuade him otherwise, and gave up trying after the first five seconds.

I didn't care one little bit. Tyson was too cute not to like. He was absolutely fascinated with everything. Although his appearance was a little rough, there was nothing monster-like about him. He had the kindest heart. I could see it within the first five minutes of meeting him, even without reading the Percy Jackson books beforehand, I would have come to the same conclusion.

Now if I could only persuade the other campers of it too.

Life passed on at camp half-blood. Thalia's tree grew sicker, patrols got hurt, everyone was tired and unhappy. The campfire was always dull nowadays, and everyone's spirits were down.

One night, Percy told everyone about his dream of Grover in a wedding dress being chased by a monster. He told us about how Grover, and all the satyrs beforehand, had been attracted to the golden fleece. It was a trap. Percy asked for a quest, one to rescue Grover from whoever was holding him captive, and two, to retrieve the golden fleece. Luke and Dionysus agreed that this was their best chance at saving Thalia, and Luke chose Clarisse to lead the quest.

Luke and I had talked about it upon multiple occasions over the past year, and after reading all the books, Luke decided that it would be best to give Clarisse the quest still. She deserved the chance to prove herself. Besides, we both knew that Percy would follow her regardless.

Percy was, understandably, horrified. He had had the dream, so he should be the one to rescue his friend. But Dionysus's word was final.

The next morning, Clarisse left, having been given her prophecy from the Oracle the previous night. Percy was in a bad mood all morning, until everyone was sick of him, so Luke sent him out to join the camp patrols.

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