Note from the Author

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Hey everyone! Sorry for another super long hiatus from this. Real life has been kinda busy, and I haven't been into writing for a long time. I love this fanfiction, it's one of my favourites that I've ever written, however, it has a lot of errors, and a lot of the time I assume the readers know just as much about the Percy Jackson universe as I do (and I'm a mega nerd when it comes to books), so I would like to make it a lot more reader friendly. I would also like to make it more grammatically correct, and fix all my spelling mistakes which I am sure are here somewhere.

I am gonna go through each chapter separately, while keeping the others up. The chapters I have edited will have titles formatted like:

Chapter number

Rather than:

❂ Chapter number ❂

While I'm editing some things might not make entire sense, as I will be making slight plot changes too, the most important will be changing emmalie's in universe age. Currently she's a few months older than Percy, but born in the same school year. I want to change this as it makes something I wanted to do; a lot easier to work out.

Anyway, after I do all of this, hopefully I will start to write some new chapters - I did originally plan to cover all of Percy Jackson in this one book. And I had plot details written out for the entire thing.

See ya in the next chapter everyone :)

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