❂ Chapter Seven ❂

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At dawn, I was woken up along with Will, to keep watch. According to Annabeth, neither of us were going to be any use until the sun was up. Although her words had frustrated me, I had been glad that I hadn't been woken up and had gotten to sleep through the night. Being woken up in the middle of the night would have been more annoying than Annabeth's comments.

I tried using the prism to make a rainbow. If I angled it right, I could get a beam of light from the sun, to create a thousand little rainbows everywhere, but was unsure if it would work for an Iris Message. Will offered to hold the prism in place while I contacted Luke, but I knew I'd feel rather odd talking to Luke in front of him, so declined.

Will and I decided to scout the path ahead. We probably should have woken someone else up, but we weren't going to be long. Surely nothing could go wrong in such a short amount of time?

We soon found out how wrong that was. When we headed back to the tent, Annabeth, Percy and Grover had all disappeared. The tent and my sleeping bag was still there, but everything else had vanished with them. I groaned.

Together, Will and I managed to pack up the tent and stuff it inside my backpack.

"How are we going to find them?" I asked, sighing.

"I don't know." Will frowned.

A sudden spark of inspiration struck me, and I pulled out the Prism. "We can Iris Message them!" I gasped.

"Good idea" Will agreed. This time I let him hold the prism while I threw in a golden drachma. I had chosen one of the rainbows that had landed on a tree trunk, so that the Iris Message would be upright.

"O Iris, Goddess of the rainbow, please show us Percy, Annabeth and Grover, where ever they are" I threw the coin at the tree. To my surprise, the coin disappeared when it hit the rainbow.

"Woah. That's cool" I grinned.

A scene appeared on the tree bark, as if being projected onto it. We were looking at the back of an old building. Annabeth was standing in the middle of a courtyard, her eyes screwed firmly shut. Grover was hidden in the bushes, and Percy was lying on the ground, being helped up by.... Medusa. I recognized her immediately.

"We need to go help them!" Will cried out, and went to move, but I stopped him. He was holding the crystal thingy, so if he moved, the iris message would disappear.

"Wait. Look at the sun in the Iris Message, we can use that and the sun here, to find out what direction they are in" I told him.

Will looked like he was ready to argue but sighed. "Fine but hurry up. They could be turned to stone any second now."

I compared the sun directions from the image and real life, and matched them up, figuring out which way we had to go. If both suns were in the east, that meant that we needed to walk south to get to the house.

"C'mon, let's go!" I poked the iris message, making it disappear "They're that way" I pointed south.

After walking through the forest for a little while, we came across a road. And across from the road was an old looking building with a petrol station outside.

"Aunty Em's Garden Emporium" I managed to read the sign, with some difficulty.

"Aunty 'M'" Will shuddered. "That thing better not be our aunt."

"Well...." I trailed off.

"What" Will asked, looking at me.

"She dated Poseidon, who is Apollo's uncle, which makes him our great uncle... So technically-"

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