Night, night.

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My dear friend,

In the loneliness of the night I speak to you, write to you as the sharp, cold wind hits my face. The street lights are bright and the streets are lonely. The world seems so lonely.

Thought this letter is written for someone in specific, I hope it helps anyone else too. Because no one is alone.

Life is tough, and you've been though hell and back alone, with scratched up knees and bloody knuckles after fighting all those demons that hold you back from sanity. Sweat runs down your forehead,  your chest raises and falls heavily as you breathe the thick, hot air. But you make it alive. You always do.

You're such a winner, always staying strong. You manage to break through everything like the superhero in the movies and comic books, using your superpowers to save me from the black hole I always seem to fall into. You reach out to me and hold me tight I swear everything feels right. You never fail to hold me down, like the hero you are.

And though you're hurting, aching and needing to be held yourself, you remain strong. Like an oak  you say, because you're strong and always standing no matter how bad the storm seems to be. You never stop shinning, you never lose your color, in fact, I think the colors of the rainbow that appears after the storm reflect you. You are what gives that rainbow all the pretty colors. You are the extravagant piece of art that never loses its beauty. I would even say you're worth more than the Mona Lisa itself. And I were to paint, I would paint you with the finest bristles of the brush, with the softest pressure and the happiest colors I could ever find. The canvas would be out of gold with a silver frame but nothing would more valuable than you. Nothing.

I know the world scares you, I know the world hurt you, including me. But you best believe that you have me. I will never be perfect and neither will you. But I will always stick by you to make sure you never feel alone and always have a friend.

The storm doesn't last forever, and I need you to be alive because without you the rainbow won't have its colors. I need to put the shine in the sun with your smile. I need you to be okay and hold on to me as tight as you can because there is nowhere else I rather be than with you. I hope that in that huge heart of yours, you find forgiveness for those who have hurt you, even me. I hope you let go of the bad and start fresh and grow again. I hope that in that huge heart of yours you save a big piece for love, nothing but love. That you push your pride aside, that life feels so short to you and you begin to appreciate what's outside of your door.

I hope and pray, that when your world starts to fall apart again, you come running to me. I will receive you with open arms and a warm smile and I promise I will make it okay.

To you my dear friend, whom I hope nothing but the best for, and remind you to just breathe, stay alive, keep going and don't stop. To not forget your worth and your appreciation.

And mainly to not forget I'm your friend, and I will always be here.

Love. xX

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