14.9K 429 214

October 29, 2022

It was a gloomy day in Seoul, as the skies look like they were going to downpour at any moment. The sound of shoes hitting against the pavement in the distance, and the cold air dancing around with the grey trees.

Six men along with their two kids made their way to the entrance of the graveyard. While making their way down the gravel pathway, the little girl felt water dripped on her forehead. She looked up to the grey skies as is it began to rain hard.

Luckily, the little girl was saved from getting wet by the umbrella that shields her from the water that falls down like needles. She looked to one of her fathers who had a boxy smile on his face, yet the smile looks sad. He nodded for her to keep walking until they reached a certain grave.

Two of the men handed the little boy and girl each a bouquet of flowers. The two placed the fresh flowers on top of the grave and looked up to the tombstone that reads, In Loving Memory of Kim Seokjin, A lover and A father, 1998-2019.

The little boy, Jaebum, looked to his sister, Jisoo, and then to one of his daddies, Yoongi. "Daddy, do you think Papa is watching us right now," Jaebum said and received a sad smile from his father. "Yes he is son," Yoongi responded and carried his son.

Jimin carried Jisoo, they all said a few words to the grave except for Hoseok. "We'll wait for you in the car," Namjoon told the man and followed the others out of the cemetery.

Hoseok watched them exit the entrance of the cemetery before turning back to his lover's grave. He crouched down and felt a tear at the corner of his eye.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry," Hoseok sucked in a breath,"I should have done more," he said clenching his hold on the umbrella. A tear escaped and landed on the grave, Hoseok felt a cold breeze touch his cheek and the man smiled a little.

"I know.....I miss you too love." He stood up for a moment starring at the tombstone before heading out of the cemetery.

Hoseok looked back for a second, and the man thought he was seeing things for a moment there. He saw a shadow figure standing near his lover's grave, he blinked and then the shadow wasn't there anymore.

Hoseok shook his head and continued to walk out of the entrance and towards a black van. He got in the car seeing the others patiently waiting for him. Hoseok nodded at Jungkook, and the man started up the vehicle and they drove off into the distance.

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