Q&A Responses

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One more chapter left to go but I'm thinking of adding an epilogue if you guys want it. Anyways on to the questions!


First up, KIM SEOKJIN! My beautiful handsome angel sent from the blind heavens~

Jimin: Excuse me, but, the fuck you just say?

Shut up mochi, you ready handsome Jin?

Seokjin: Uhm I gu-

That's the spirit!

@Jenn_1023 -  Jinnie, have you decided on a name yet for your baby or at least have been thinking of it?

Taehyung: Don't call him Jinnie--

Seokjin: Hun please, also yes and no because I only decided a name for one of them. I'll let my husbands pick a name for the other twin. 

Hoseok: Aww he called us his husbands :'))

Jungkook: I know right :'))

Next question!

@PremAce - Are they treating you well?

Seokjin: Yes they are and I'm very thankful to have them in my life :)

Yoongi: *goes up to hug Seokjin from the back* I love you so much...

Seokjin: I love you all too*pecks Yoongi's forehead*

Okay next one but it isn't a question.

@HeatherHolland356 - Jin your a fighter.

Seokjin: Aww why thank you!

Yoongi: You're*

Seokjin: Yoongi *lightly smacks his shoulder*

Namjoon: Hey we're all fighters though -3-

Seokjin: Yeah but I know I'm the best out of you all.

Namjoon: Tch- whatever *wraps arm around Seokjin's waist*

Now moving on to the next person which is Chanyeol!

Jimin: Why does that fucker get a question?!

Taehyung: Yeah that prick ass punk!

Jungkook: Nasty smelling bit-


Chanyeol: Yes

Are you ready?

Chanyeol: Hit me

@HeatherHolland356 - Chanyeol did you have feelings for Jin?

Chanyeol: Well--

Namjoon: I swear to the holy gospel of Jesus I will fuck you up if you did you motherfucking lying ass fu-

Seokjin: NAMJOON!

Sir let him finish, go ahead Chanyeol.

Chanyeol: Uhmm...*stares at Bangtan*

Bangtan except Seokjin: *stares at him deadly*

Chanyeol: N-no-- I didn't a-and will n-never *nervously smiles*

Bangtan: *Has a smug look on their faces*

Okay last one is for me :)

@HeatherHolland356 - Love you and the story

Aww love you too ❤ and I also love each and everyone of you who supports my stories❤  Thank you for encouraging me till now to keep on writing, so expect a chapter update around this week. 

With that said, this is the end of the Q&A and I'll see you guys in the next chapter.


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