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Hoseok holds Seokjin closely by the waist and stares straight into the younger's eyes. Before Seokjin notices, Hoseok leaned in until their lips connected. The younger's eyes widened and his cheeks turned red. He was unsure of what to do so he just placed his hands on Hoseok's chest and closed his eyes kissing back. The older only pulled him closer to deepened the kiss. In that moment, Hoseok wanted to risk it all by throwing Seokjin onto his bed and make love to him, but that idea burst as Taehyung suddenly opened the door. 

"Hey hyung, Yoongi hyung is looking for y-," the two stopped kissing seeing Taehyung along with Namjoon at the door. Seokjin turns his head the other embarrassed to be caught. Hoseok just looked at them annoyed, before releasing Seokjin's waist and looked at the younger. He held the younger's face kissing his forehead and whispered,"I'll be back for you," then exiting the room. Seokjin was still standing there afraid to move a muscle because Taehyung is looking at him like a complete pervert, but Namjoon was watching him intensely. 

Namjoon just sigh walking over to Seokjin and grabbing him by the arm. Seokjin was lead out of the room following Namjoon into the hallway with Taehyung behind them. While walking Seokjin notices the wound on Namjoon's arm, it was bleeding badly as well. On instincts,"U-um you're arm is bleeding," he said in a small voice, though both the older males heard it. Namjoon stops in his tracks and look at his arm that looked like a sharp blade had sliced it. "It's nothing so forget about it," he said and continued to walk but it only made Seokjin concerned, yes concerned

Seokjin stops," no," Namjoon looks back at him with a serious look as Seokjin stares straight into his," that needs to be treated immediately," he said. Namjoon was getting annoyed at the fact Seokjin is worried about him,"the doctor ain't here so there is no-," Namjoon was stopped mid-sentence,"I'll treat it myself then," Seokjin says confindently. Taehyung who was there to witness everything got a boner from looking at Seokjin's bubble butt for too long. 

"Tsk, do you even know how to fix a woun-," "yes I can, now lead me to your infirmary," Seokjin says still starring up at the taller male. Namjoon would've punish the slave by now for ordering him but the wound on his arm is starting to get painful. Plus, if this kid messes up then at least he has a reason to beat him up. Namjoon sighs and lead Seokjin to their infirmary, Taehyung just tagging along because he has nothing better to do.

They arrived to their destination which was quite far from where they last were. They see Jimin and Jungkook hanging out in the halls with Jimin playing with his gun and Jungkook sitting on the couch like a badass motherfucker. The two sees them approaching and Jungkook's mood drops as his eyes landed on Seokjin. He stood up glaring at the shorter male, no not Jimin he is glaring at Seokjin.

"What are you guys doing here with the slave," he asks still looking at Seokjin who had his head down not wanting to look at the guy who accused him for something he didn't do. "Relax sixth, our slave here wants to treat an injured person," Taehyung says rapping his arm around the younger's waist and giving a light kiss on Seokjin's head. For some reason that little gesture made Jimin's blood boil, he had the urge to rip Seokjin away from Taehyung grasps.

Namjoon sighs," well if you excused us, I have a wound that needs to be fixed," he said. Before they go in Namjoon gave Jungkook and Jimin the look, and they immediately understood. If Seokjin tries anything the two were backup if he did manage to take down the other two, which they highly doubt but you never know what could go wrong. Seokjin stops Taehyung," Uhm sorry but I can't have someone watch me during the treatment," he says in a small voice as he pushed the taller male out of the room, locking the door and just leaving him with Namjoon. 

Now this made the older male worried because he is now alone with someone he doesn't quite trust yet. "Uhh, do you want me to do it when you're awake or should I put you to sleep first," Seokjin asks, Namjoon thinks about it for a moment and lets the younger know he is okay with having to be awake through the whole thing. Seokjn nods and looked for the needed materials to treat the wound. 

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