When You First Meet Them & Their First Impressions of You

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I wanted to do something other than oneshots, so I made this mess. I'm only doing a few. If I didn't do your favourite, you can request it and I'll add them.

Bakugo Katsuki
Asui Tsuyu
Jiro Kyoka
Midoriya Izuku
Todoroki Shoto



Bakugo Katsuki

You're in Class 1H (support).

Your Quirk is Earthquake. Pretty self explanatory.

You met at the sports festival.

During the cavalry battle, you approached him, hoping to help him with your gadgets.

Unfortunately, he turned you down, saying: "I don't need any help from you damn extra."


You battled him in the first round of the tournament (instead of Uraraka) and he crushed you despite your Quirk making you an unkillable god.

Bakugo: He's just a stepping stone on my way to being the number one hero. He has a powerful Quirk, though.

Asui Tsuyu

Your Quirk is Time Pause.

First day of the year, you bump into each other. Literally. Your stuff had gone everywhere.

After you gathered your things, you introduced yourselves.

"Are you in Class 1A, kero?"

"Uh... yeah. I'm guessing you are too."

You both find the classroom together and have been inseparable since.

Asui: He's really nice and very helpful. He'll make an amazing hero, kero.

Jiro Kyoka

Training camp. It took that long for you two to meet. Not at the sports festival. No, fucking training camp. Oh, it makes sense since you're in class B, right? No, it doesn't.

Anyway, you both have sound based Quirks, so you trained together.

Your Quirk, sound manipulation, would help you cancel out Jiro's heartbeat move.

You were trying to use your power for longer than usual.

When the L.O.V. attacked, you both happened to be in the same place at the same time.

You used your Quirk to listen out for villains by making yourself more sensitive to sounds and did your best to protect Jiro.

You ended up getting shot in the arm trying to defend her.

Jiro: L/N tried to protect me at training camp. He stuck his neck out for me, and I honestly can't thank him enough.

Midoriya Izuku

Your Quirk is Air Manipulation. You're like an air bender.

You met this cinnamon roll in middle school.

You were present during the sludge villain attack. You saw Midoriya try to save Bakugo and admired him for that.

After the pros lectured him, you told him how heroic his actions were.

He really appreciated this and told you so.

The two of you met again at UA, both of you being in the Hero Course.

Midoriya: L/N is great. I know he's going to make a great hero one day. He's really kind and approachable, so he'll have no problem being popular.

Todoroki Shoto

Haha Quirkless loser.

You initially met him before the sports festival and thought his class was full of chumps.

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