T!Jirou - Help My Garden is on Fire

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Not a request

Quirk: none

383 words. Not my best. Might do a part 2.

Jirou's POV

"You've got a thing for Sparky, don't you?" Bakugou randomly asks.

"What? Kaminari? Of course not!" I yell.

"That Quirkless bastard, then?"

"Gah! No! I do- I do not!"

"Yeah, and I'm the Antichrist," he retorts sarcastically.

"Leave me alone, Bakugou."

I look over at L/N. He's sitting with Kaminari and Kirishima, laughing about who knows what.

'That laugh. It pisses me off.'

Unfortunately, he catches me staring at him. He approaches me with a stupid smile on his face.

"Staring at me, Jirou?"

"No, you idiot, I was lost in thought!"

"Sure you were~" He pokes his cheek audaciously.

I slap his hand down. "I don't have time for your teasing, okay? Piss off already!"

"Geez, I was just kidding around." He walks back to his friends in a hurry.

'Dammit, Kyoka, why are you like this?'

Tomorrow is White Day and I've already prepared chocolates for him. I hope he likes them. If not, I'll just tell him I bought them from the store.

-magical time skip brought to you by Todobroki-

Today's the day. I clench the bag of chocolates tightly as I enter the school gates. On my way to class I bump into L/N.

'Crap, why now?'

"Hey, Jirou. Who're those chocolates for?"

"Uh... they're for- they're for you. Don't get the wrong idea or anything. They're obligatory!" I shove the bag into his hands.

"Aww, thanks! I'll eat these later!"

"You're welcome!" I huff.

"Even though it's White Day and the girls usually give the gifts, I wanted to get you something."

"Don't bother, it's probably worthless."

He reaches into his bag, pulling out a painting.

"It's not my best piece, but after I made it it reminded me of you. That's why I wanted you to have it."

It was a rose set on fire. I raise an eyebrow at the obscure painting. Even though the composition wasn't the best, the technique was amazing.

"Do you like it?" L/N asks.

"It's not completely worthless. I don't know why you gave me this. I don't have anywhere to put it."

"I'm sure you'll find space." And with that, he left.

Maybe one day I'll stop being so cold towards him. Maybe one day I'll drop the armour. Today is not that day.

[DISCONTINUED] BNHA x Male!Reader Oneshots & HeadcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now