The Deal

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The ground was carpeted, we were at the detailed doors. She props me into one arm and opens the door, I didnt know i was that light to be held by a girl in one hand. Ayan slams the door open without a word and places my cold naked body on a leather arm chair with golden legs.

Ayan walks up to Archaeon, well more like stomps to him slamming her little black heels on his foot. He hisses as if it actually hurt and stands up, was this girl insane!

"Archy, (pronounced Ar-Ki)why have you kidnapped this little innocent boy! I understand he is considered an enemy but what was the point." He glares at the girl with his keen cold eyes that matched the snowflakes that were fluttering in because of the large hole in the wall. "DO NOT call me by that name Ayan" It's like he stopped himself from yelling at the girl, but why? Anyone would have been killed by now I wonder who she is. Her pale bright skin matched Archaeon's almost to a tee and her long silky white hair mimicked Archaeon's with an exception of color. Her nose was small and delicate and her eyebrows made warm friendly gestures to everyone but the man she was talking to now. Her body was was slim and short and she wore white sticking with shiny black shoes that had a little white heel. Her hands were small and her body was slim yet she was still so powerful and confident when talking to Archaeon. Her eyes were the biggest difference in appearance. Archaeon's are a cold dim blue, Ayan's were a greenish warm blue. The kind of color that you would want to be wrapped in. Her eyes oozed kindness and warmth making almost anyone put their guard down around her. I felt safe in her arms, like nothing could hurt me, not even Archaeon. It was almost like she was an unwilted flower in the winter. Strong but beautiful, warm and kind, but is not something to dismiss.

"That is none of your business! Go home Ayan this isn't where you belong." Archaeon snarls and glares at her with his dark gloomy eyes that rivaled Ayans warmth. "IT IS MY BUSINESS WHEN YOU STEAL A PREIST ARCHAEON" she sighs "you could cause a war Archaeon and the humans have more recourses and people than we do. We are strong, but they are stronger in numbers. We would lose and you know it" she glares at him back with just as much force "Do not become a monster Archy we have enough of those already in this world" her glare softens and she sits on his desk. Isnt Archaeon already a monster, maybe this girl is off her marbles. I second that Av Av? I am giving you a name Av Cool, i guess.

Archaeon stays silent for a moment then speaks "are you done now?" He dismisses her and pulls out some papers and a pen from a drawer from his desk and starts doing some paper work. "Do not ignore me young man" Young man? who is she to Archaeon "your not my mom, old hag" I know who she is, General Ayanshi Valalael Caladur, I remember reading about her. She was Archaeon's caretaker, battle combat instructor, tutor, battle strategist teacher, and was basically a fill in for his mom who died when he was very young. She was also the general of the 3rd royal army before given the important task to take care of Archaeon. WHAT!! Why was she helping me! Why does she look so young she has to be at least 100 years old.

What a powerful woman, I respect her, even if she is my enemy. "Look Archy if you wanna form an alliance with your love interest this is not how you do it." She firmly puts a hand on Archaeon's shoulder and she smiles closing her eyes and tilting her head. I can feel her rage pouring through the pores on her skin. "I will help you" she gives me a glance, was I his love interest! No this can't be happening. "I have already called up Kara and Yae they will clean him up and give him clothing of HIS choice, not yours" i hear knock on the door and then the door opens. the two maids were standing next to each other, the exact same height and build, with identical faces. One had green eyes the other had yellow, they both had white silky long hair. They walk over to the chair and the one with green eyes picks me up without a word and walks out. They walk next to each other and kara was holding me bridal style. When we get to the bathroom they plop me in the nice warm bath and clean me, it wasn't weird since they were under Miss Ayan's order but it was still a little weird. Once they were done they dry me off and lead me to a room. The bath helped me regain my strength so i had a towel around my waist and was walking next to them.

Once we were at the door Yae opens it and it is the largest closet i have ever been in. There was a chair and a mirror. Kara hands me underwear and stares at me as i put it on. Her gaze penetrates my skin and causes a light pink blush to fall over my face. Maybe demons do not feel embarrassment but i certainly d0. I look at the contents of what's in the closet and sit in the comfy chair in the middle. There is so much to choose from, every day wear, kimonos, long robes. I decide on a blue and white kimono, the maids put the under garments on me and wrap the kimono perfectly. They put on white socks and normal kimono sandals.

As we walk back to the office it was very quiet and awkward, although i didn't have the heart to say anything so we just walked in silence until we were at the decorative doors again. I feel my knees buck under me a bit as the door opens. "You look so cute Asegaki" the short woman ruffles my hair and i cant help but smile a bit. "Anyway we have diplomatic ordeals to deal with today." I sit down in the chair across from Archaeon and Ayan stands behind him. I was still scared as he peered at me calmly but still a bit sourly. "Asegaki please don't be afraid he won't do anything to you as long as I'm here, I'm aware of what he has done to you and it stops today." I calm down at her words and put my hands on the desk lacing my fingers. "This is about the The kingdom of Ethig isn't it" I ask curiously "you are correct Asegaki" Ayan gives me a keen look, I give her one back but mine wasn't as smug as hers was "what do you want from the kingdom of Getha" she looks at Archaeon who wasn't actually going to be a part of the deal making process as far as I could tell even though he was the spokesperson for the kingdom of Viralind. She crosses her arms while in thought "you, we want you and the church cooperation." She gives me a knowing smile "And what will we get, it's only fair that we get more than we give seeing as how I was treated during my stay. Surely if I were to tell the people they would rebel against the alliance." I see her expression dim as she digs her nails into Archaeon's shoulder and whispers something to him I can barely hear "you dumb motherfucker" she was kissed at Archaeon and that only made me more sure of myself. "I am very sorry for the care you received and you will be rewarded more than adequately with many riches." I smile politely and I simply say "That is not what I want Miss Ayanshi and you are very aware of that." She smiles back just as politely "I am unable to give you what you wish for Priest Asegaki" I cross my arms "war it is" she slams the table "WAIT! we can make arrangements that our people will completely stop terrorizing yours." I smile "Now that compensation is out of the way, I think the best alliance option is that I give you myself and troops and you give us resources since we are running out as I am sure you are aware." This was skewed in my favor and she knew it. They were going to lose resources and men are not guaranteed to die, we will not loose as much as gain. "Yes in fact I am. Archaeon make yourself useful and write a written agreement, something simple should work.

After Archaeon was done it simply read at the bottom after listing the terms and agreements "By signing this document both parties have agreed to the terms and if one should not follow up on said terms the ability to declare war is given." There were lines under it and I sign my full name, Archaeon does too. We shake hands, he has a firm grasp on my hand squeezing it a bit too hard for my liking.

"take me back to my kingdom, I will tell them about the news. Rally your people and have them all go there, we shall tell our people together"

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