The Invisible Love, I had for you..

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That was approximately an 10 hours journey. Pragya who pretended to sleep, slowly drifted to sleep soon. Even Abhi after all the chaos in the past days felt much tired after talking with Suresh.

Pragya woke up a little later. She found Abhi beside her but Suresh to be missing. She tilted her head for 180 degree to catch a glimpse of him. He was no where to be found.

Defeated Pragya, pushed her head to the seat and was just lost in her thoughts about her past and a lone tear escaped her eye.

Pragya's pov:

Why things are happening like this?? I never wished to meet him again.. That too after getting married to Abhi. I don't want to think about him anymore.. But why things are happening this way.. Is it fate, that I bought tickets in economy class instead of business class.. and is it his fate, that he too purchased economy class ticket instead of business class ticket.. Why must he chose Melbourne as his place of vacation when he very well knew that, I'm working in Melbourne?? Why things have to happen this way??

She felt someone shook her shoulders.. and it is found to be suresh..

su: why are you crying??

pr: that's none of your business..

su: why are you this rude to me pragya??

pr: the same u did to me in the past..

su: don't I have the opportunity to be your friend again??

pr: I asked the same to you.. do you remember?? after confessing my love for you, when you ignored me just like that, I asked u the same.. I din't had the courage to lose u as my friend too..

su: I felt that friendship is not possible after love..

pr: then how come is it possible now??

su: no pragya... I mean it like I felt it that way then.... But now, I'm matured enough.. U used to tell me na, I'm poor in understanding people and emotions.. U r right pragya.. I am.. But now, after I lost you permanently, I realised the value of true emotions..

pr: what do you mean by that??

su: I understood you pragya..

pr: means.. U understood each and every emotions of mine..

su: yeah I do..

pr: do you think I'd see you the same way I saw you in our past??

su: I know u r a girl with values.. but also, u r the one who gives much importance to feelings and emotions.. I know u still love me.. But u r bound to the chain, that is around ur neck, and u r burying your love for me deep inside your heart..

pr: I don't.. I don't love u anymore...

su: U do pragya.. U do.. and I can see that in your eyes...

pr: what if I love you or not?? U don't love me right.. and nothing matters then...

su: who told like that to you??

pr: excuse me...

suresh knelt besides pragya's seat.. he held her hand..

su: Sorry Pragz.. For hurting the heart that knew only to love me.. For hurting you who knew only to think good for me.. Here.. I don't mind.. If you are married or not.. I want to confess my love for you.. I don't bother about ur reply.. I'll happily abide by your decision... But will smile happily, if you join ur hands with mine.. The moment you left college, I realised the love u had for me.. and the invisible love, I had for you.. I searched for you.. and came to know that, u are in melbourne.. I was very much proud of you, to get an onsite offer after just few months of joining work.. Then lately I came to know about your marriage too... I felt all my dreams were shattered.. I thought that I deserved this punishment.. But after seeing you here.. I understood, there is no love in this marriage... This is just a mere commitment between you both and that too in India only.. U people are going to part ways here in Melbourne right..

pr: no...

su: yes... ur so called husband told me this after you slept... actually your parents have decided to make you guyz reside at the same place.. but what he told is, he will move to his old place after a month..

pr: no...

su: leave it apart pragz.. I was confessing and got stopped in the midway... I need you in my life.. I want you to guide me through dark and be with me in the light.. I want to protect you as a shield and be a baby in your lap.. I want to love you all through my life.. Will you give me a part in your life pragz?? I want to correct all the sins I did to you, by showering all the love you deserve... I want to build a small family for ourselves with you and hold your hands till my last breathe.. I Love You Pragz.. I love you...

Pragya was dumbstruck.. Only tears were flowing continuously from her eyes.. She felt the world get frozen for a moment.. She came to sense after a nudge from abhi by her side.. she was shocked and embarassed to see his eyes.. though, they don't accept this marriage wholeheartedly, she is his wife now..

ab: accept it pragya.. I can't shower you with the love, that he would shower on you..

pr: but??

ab: u love him still???pragya completely broke down...

pr: i...i.. will love him till my last breathe..

ab: then accept his love..

by then they heard the seatbelt warning sound for the flight to get landed.. the air hostess came to suresh and asked him to go and take his seat...

su: no.. I won't move an inch without ur reply pragz.. I'll agree to whatever decision u take..

pr: suresh.. don't be a child.. go and sit on your seat....

su: no.. I won't.. give me a reply..

ab: pragya tell him fast....

pr: i.......

ab: pragya.. i'm telling na.. aceepthis proposal.. u'll have a beautiful life ahead..

pr: i... i...

ab: pragya come on..

pr: i love you.. i love you..


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