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After smearing one another's faces with cake, finally both settled on the bed around 1am.. Abhi pulled pragya in his embrace and pragya with a happy face, kept her head on his chest and hugged him tight close to her..

ab: so is my wife happy??

pr: a loadz.. the best birthday ever..

ab: you call this birthday to be the best, this soon??? you have a lot to see for the day..

pr: ahaan.. but feeling more contented at this moment being in your embrace.. A complete feeling..

told pragya and kissed his chest.. Abhi reciprocated it with a kiss on her head..

ab: I love you jaan..

pr: I love you too..

ab: okay.. let's sleep for now.. and it is going to be a big day ahead..

pragya smiled at him..

pr: thank you for coming back.. if not I don't know, in what state I'd have been, in your absence..told pragya with tears lacing her eyes.. Even abhi had tears hearing her words..

ab: you are a winner always.. you won me too by finding me.. it's nothing about me that I have did for you.. atleast, let me try to do something for you in the future..

pr: you never know what all you have did for me... but I'll let you know all them at the right time..

ab: anyways.. now be cheerful.. and quickly close your eyes.. as soon you sleep, as early the sun will rise..

pragya giggled..

pr: it sounds like you are trying to put a baby to sleep..

ab: you know what for me you are my first baby, even if we have a baby for ourselves..

pragya blushed hearing the words "baby for ourselves".. abhi sensed her blushing..

ab: don't blush much and turn my mood on.. I am controlling myself for some good moments..pragya lightly hit on his chest..

pr: beshaaram... good night..

ab: that's good.. good night..

both slept soon hugging each other.. the next morning sun rays peeped inside their room.. Abhi woke up and mover her away from him gently not waking her up.. He freshed up quickly and brought the new dress and matching accessories that he bought for pragya the previous day and settled them in the closet.. He then went to prepare the morning coffee for his wife, which she always loves like a crazy..

Abhi placed the mug of coffee on the bedside table.. he sat beside pragya and woke her up..

ab: pragya.. pragya.. uto..

pr: dho minutes suniye..

ab: yr bday baby.. uto...

hearing the word birthday baby, pragya quickly got up and sat on the bed with a jerk shaking the bed.

ab: wohaa.. girl.. don't jump on the bed..

pr: where is my surprise???

asked pragya eagerly.. abhi giggled at her eagerness.. he gently kissed her right cheek..

ab: not now.. but little later.. now be a good girl and have this coffee..

abhi forwarded the mug to her and pragya started drinking her coffee.. suddenly she appeared dull..

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