Changing Equations

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The next morning was very bright for abhi.. He really felt that he had a deep sleep after years and has got someone for him, exclusively for him.. Here pragya was sleeping like a baby, still having his palm in her hold.. Something in him urged to do that.. He slowly turned to pragya and placed a soft-forehead kiss.. He then went to her ears and mumbled a thank-you in utmost low voice.. pragya had a small smile etched to her lips as if she was having some happy dream..

the clock striked 8am.. it was time for kamala ma's arrival.. here pragya was sleeping like a baby.. he didn't had mood to wake up his cute baby this early.. he took his mobile from bedside table.. he mentally noted to call few persons.. first of all, he called kamala ma, and told that he will be managing the house for the day and asked her to take leave.. next he called to his office, and told that he is on leave till the weekend.. he then called to pragya's office and dramatically told that, she has got a severe hurt on her leg and cannot walk for two days.. and got leave for her too..

the clock showed 9.30 am but there was no improvement in pragya's state.. she was still in her dreamland.. he slowly told in her ears..

ab: lava.. wakeup na.. it's 9.30 am..

pr: so what suniye.. will sleep for two minutes.. just dho minutes..

abhi chuckled at her childish pleadings..

ab: i'd wait.. but my stomach can't.. see I have to use washroom..

pr: go.. why am I going to stop you??

ab: u r the one holding my hand..

pragya was brought into reality.. she opened her eyes and gave a slugged smile.. she relieved his palm from her hold..

pr: Happy Morning..

ab: very Happy Morning..

pr: u go to washroom.. I'll sleep for some more minutes.. and please wake me up with my coffee..

ab: achaa.. husband to friend.. now friend to servant..

pr: this is your second punishment.. so jaldi.. I have to go to office atleast by 11.

ab: how are they permitting you this late in your office???

pr: my company is best known for it's flexibility u know.. and I complete most of my jobs ahead of time, so I don't have much work for this week.. that also I have completed almost.. If I complete today's work, then I can happily take off for tomorrow..

ab: can some other people do your today's works??

pr: yeah they can.. I just have to intimate someone.. that's it.. not a big deal.. why??

ab: actually I called to your office and told that you will come to office only by monday..

Pragya was beyond surprised..

pr: why? when? how?

ab: aaram se.. one question at a time..

pr: okay.. when?

ab: half-an-hour before..

pr: how?

ab: how means through phone only..

pr: no.. I mean.. I used to do so much drama to take a day off.. They will give leave on their own to me, only if they find me really dull or ill.. else, the whole melbourne can't take my drama u know..

abhi giggled..

ab: maybe since I'm with you, I too got to know to do drama.. I dramatically told that u have got a big hurt on your leg and so they provided with leave..

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