1. Starting New Life

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Selena McCall woke up today at 5:00 am with a smile on her face. That was the first time she was happy to get up early because this day she will start her new life. Today, she will leave Riverdale and will go to Stormborn, away from her parents and her friends here. She was going to miss them so much and didn't know how to say goodbye to her firends, so she decided to not.
She dressed up with a top, sweatpants and sneakers. She wanted to feel comfortable because she will fly 10 hours with the plane. When she did her high ponytail her phone ringed. It was a message from Dylan:

Selena was happy that Dylan remember their little "tradition" - every time on their first day together they eat gummy bears

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Selena was happy that Dylan remember their little "tradition" - every time on their first day together they eat gummy bears. It was something that they do since they were 9 years old.
- Selena, let's go. It's time to go to. Your dad is waiting in the car. - Lindsay, her mom, said.
- I am coming, mom. - she answered.
Meanwhile in Stormborn:
- Can you believe that today she'll be here after hours?! - Dylan said excited.
- I know, I can't wait finally to meet her! She sounds great from what I heard from you! You are best friends since you were 9 years old! That's so sweet! - Nina said with a smile.
- Yeah... - Dylan said with a little smile but he was actually sad because Nina didn't know the whole truth about them. He wanted to tell her but he didn't and he didn't know why but now he can't, he can't tell her because he sounded so happy and excited when he was talking about Selena and Nina will get jealous or something like that and he didn't want this right now.
All he could think about is how he will meet Selena face to face again.
- ARE YOU CRAZY, DYLAN?! WHAT'S THAT NOISE AT 5 AM?! - Taylor asked angrily.
- Lol, Taylor, what is that on your face? - Dylan asked.
- Wha- what I have on my face???!! - Taylor said little scared while touched her face and looked in the mirror. - I DON'T HAVE NOTHING ON MY FACE, DYLAN!!!
- Oh, so this is actually YOUR face?! Poor you... - he said and his words made Taylor even more angry.
- ZAAAC!!! - she shouted her brother who quickly come with a pan in his hands. He didn't have time to put some pants on so he was only on underwear. Nina covered her eyes.
- What's going on, Tay? Are you ok? - he asked his twin.
- Look, I know Nina can be-
- She isn't talking about me, Zac! She is talking about Dylan. And Tay, Dylan, please stop talking to each other like that. Please, for me? - Nina said that still covering her eyes.
- Yeah, stop, it's really annoying. And Nina, seriously? You can uncover your eyes already. I know you really want to see that body. Dylan won't jealous - just look how he is looking at me! - Zac said.
- Yeah, I am in love already... - Dylan said sarcastically. They all laughed at that, even Zac because he has a big sense of humor.
- Ok, so why you were talking so loud so early? - Taylor asked.
- Dylan's best friend, Selena, will come here and will be studying in "Stormborn"with us! - Nina said.
- Ooohh, is she cute? - Zac asked interested. Dylan showed her photo to his roommates. - WHOAH, SHE IS A BABE! HOW SHE CAN BE SO CUTE AND HOT AT THE SAME TIME??!! - Zac said amazed by Selena. - Does she has a boyfriend? Not that this is important because evn if she does, I will do the exact same thing as if she doesn't. Just it will be sad for the poor guy...
When Dylan heard Zac saying that, he felt something bad but he didn't know what. He couldn't describe it but it didn't feel good. People were talking around him but he couldn't hear them.
- .... Dylan... Dylan?
- Ah?
- Did you hear me? - Nina asked.
- No, sorry. I just get little distracted... What did you said?
- Will you drive me and come to support me today?
- Yes, sure!
- Yey! Ok, we are leaving at 5:15 pm, not earlier or later, you understand? - he told him rough but cute and with smile.
Dylan forget to tell her that he should wait Selena at the exit of the airport. If he tell her now that he has to go and let her alone, his girlfriend will be sad and disappointed but if he doesn't tell her, his best friend will wait for him and when she see that he isn't there, she will be sad and disappointed... Dylan has to think of something...
Again in Riverdale:
Selena walked down the stairs with her suitcases and saw her mom and her friends - Brooke, Donny and Ed.
- What are you doing here? - she said with tears in her eyes.
- You thought that you would leave without a goodbye? - Brooke asked while she was crying and hugged Selena tight.
Selena didn't know what to say. Everybody in the room, including her, were crying. She just looked at her best friends and while hugging them all, she said:
- You don't know how much I love you all...
- We know. We love you as much the same. - Donny said while rubbing Selena’s tears.
A silence. A beautiful "i want to remember that moment" silence. After around minute and half, the silence was broked down by Ed who always chooses moments like that but that was his charm.
- Look... We got you something... - Ed said and gave to Selena a paper bag. She opened it and took the present.
- Oh my god... It's so beautiful.. - she said in tears again. The present was a photo of her and her friends.

- Do you remember when we take the photo? - Donny asked

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- Do you remember when we take the photo? - Donny asked.
- How can I forgot? We took the photo three days after Dylan and I broke up. I was so sad and you were trying to do anything to make me smile. So we went to the fair as EVERY year although you know that I don't like it... anyway, you wanted so hard to make me laugh that Ed even vomited on your pants and you were only with your underwear. ALL NIGHT. - she said laughing along with anyone else.
- Ok, I know that now you are leaving and I am gonna miss you a lot but fuck you, Selena. - Donny said that, hugged her and kissed her forehead.
- Guys, I am sorry but it's time to go to the airport or you'll miss the plane. - Dawson, Selena’s dad, said.
- Ok, dad. Guys, promise me to call me every week to tell me what's going on in Riverdale. - she said that while kissing and hugging every of her friends one by one.
- How about every 3 days? - Brooke asked smiling.
- Deal. - Selena said smiling too. - Bye, love you.
- Bye, we too. - the friends said leaving.
Selena and her parents arrived to the airport around 5:30. They had two hours to tell each other everything they didn't. Selena never felt that closer to her parents before. She felt something good and warm inside her which she liked. But the times up fast and Selena needed to go.
- Ok, sweetie, don't forget to call or text us... oh, and it's cold so put your jacket... and don't forget to put your phone on airplane mode.. and -
- Don't worry mom, I will be fine. - Selena said and kissed her mother.
- Yeah, Lindsay, trust our daughter. She is smart, grown and independent young woman. - said Dawson who kissed and hugged his little girl really tight.
- Dad... dad... I... need.. to.. go.. - said Selena while she was trying to get out from her dad's embrace. When shesuccessfuly escaped she turns to her parents - I love you. - and she started running.
- We too, honey! - They said to her waving and crying.
Selena entered in the plane and sat down. She puted her headphones on, played her playlist and looked through the window all the way.
After 10  long hours, she was in Stormborn. She texted her parents and her friends that she arrived and that everything was fine. She went to the exit where Dylan was supposed to be but he didn't. She called him, he didn't answered. She couldn't believe he did this to her and then someone coverd her eyes.

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