6. All Is Black

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Dylan bent to kiss Selena. Their lips were so close... but they were interrupted by the door opend by Zac.
- What's going on here? - he said confused looking at the two best friends. They didn't told him anything.  They were just looking down hugging and Dylan finally gave him the letter. Zac read it, tears flowed from his eyes and looked at Selena. He sat on her other side, hugged her and then texted Nina about this.
Taylor came downstairs and saw the three of them crying and embraced. She didn't need to know what happened, she just joined them. They just stood like this in silent.
Then Nina rushed through the door. Everybody turned their heads at her and she hugged them all. Again just stood like that. After time Selena asked them all looking at each of them.
- Will you.. will you come with me at the funeral in Riverdale tomorrow?
- And you're asking? Of course, Selly. - Dylan answered.
- We will be beside you, princess. - Zac said too.
- Now and forever. - Taylor added.
- We're family. - Nina added too.
They all said still hugging each other and that when they were interrupted by a sound...
- I am sorry but I really need to go to the toilet now... - Zac told them running which made all of them laugh, something that they didn't do or heard for hours.
The next day:
All of them packed their baggage and went to Zac's car. The road is long, so everyone is changing to drive. Always two were awake, just in case, while the other three were sleeping.
It was Dylan and Selena’s turn to be awake. There was an awkward silent between them when..
- What was that between us? We... - McCall asked looking back to see Nina, Zac and Taylor sleeping. - We almost kissed.. - sheyold him little blushing. He didn't know what to say, he hoped that she forgot abot that so he just looked at her confused.

 He didn't know what to say, he hoped that she forgot abot that so he just looked at her confused

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- Wha-What a kiss? - he said looking serious. It seemed the best for him to pretend that he don't know what she is talking about. - Look, I don't know what you're talking about! Are you ok?! I mean my girlfriend is on the back seat, how could you say a thing like this?!
Selena was hurt by his words. 'How he could've told me things like this. It's sounded like I'm lair and I hate when people are calling me a liar' she thought. She decided just to turn around and don't talk to him. Dylan saw this and tried to apologize but she didn't heard or even noticed him...
At McCall's house:
- Yes, we arrived! Finally! - Taylor said and went to lay down on the couch. Then she smelled something bad and realized it was from her. - Oohhh, I stink...
- And you realized it just now? - Dylan smirked. Taylor ignored him and turned to Selena who rolled her eyes at his comment:
- Where's the bathroom and where I could put my suitcase?
- Ummm the bathroom is here.. - she said opening a door - and you can put your things in one of the two rooms upstairs. Sorry but you need to be two in a room... - she answered while Tay went upstairs.
- Wait, what do you mean by 'you'? Where will you sleep? - Zac asked Selena.
- Here. - she answered with a smile showing the couch.
- No, no, no, no, no.. and not a word. I will be sleeping there, princess. You go through many things... - he said looking at her.
- Are you sure? - Zac nodded. - That's really nice. Thank you. - Selena smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek and went upstairs with her baggage. Zac put his hand on the cheek and smiled while Dylan's face was jealous... Luckily for him, no one noticed.
After hours:
Nina, Zac and Dylan wanted to go around Riverdale for the rest of the day. Dylan decided to invite Selena with them so he went ro her and Taylor's room. He knocked on the door and Selena opend it.

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