3. Meeting The Family

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- What's up, sis? Again on the couch? - Zac asked laughing Taylor.
- What's up, bro? Again with a brain damage? - she answered laughing too.
- That was a good one! - the two siblings gave each other high five. - Tay, this is Selena, our new roomate.
- Hey it's nice to meet you! - as she said that the two girls handshaked their hands.
- Wait, you're the girl for who we woke up at 5 am, right? - Taylor said in realization.
- I think so, sorry abou that...
- No, don't be. It's all the idiot Dylan's fault... - she then stopped for a second when she realized that the girl in front of her is Dylan's best friend. - Sorry about that...
- It's ok, don't worry. - Selena said smiling at her.
Taylor liked Selena who is actually the first person she liked from first sight. The blonde feel a connection with the brunette girl and from the moment they met she knew that they were meant to be really good friends.
- Ok, so while you get to know each other, I will bring the princess' suitcases to her room. - Zac said that as he grabbed her suitcases and went upstairs while the girls laughed at his words.
- He is really nice guy. - Selena said to Taylor.
- Yeah, only with me and with the girls with who he wants to sleep with...
- He told me that you're his best friend and the person who he loves the most... and he is nice to me because we're friends, not for something else...
- Whatever you say... - the blonde girl said rolling her eyes. - and for the things he told you, he is the same to me. We've been always protect and trust each other the most of all the people. We have a promise that no matter what happen, we will be there for each other always and forever and even after that. I even have our photo in my purse. I am not leaving without it. - Taylor said searching for the photo. - He has the same in his wallet. Here it is! Do you want to see it? - Selena nodded with a smile and the twin gave it to her.

- It's so sweet! - Selena said looking at the photo and the promise they gave under it - You guys are playing a guitar? - she said surprised

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- It's so sweet! - Selena said looking at the photo and the promise they gave under it - You guys are playing a guitar? - she said surprised.
- Yeah. We both really loved music... Our father sang to us "Mad World" from our favorite movie, "Donnie Darko", every single night until.... - Taylor stopped and she couldn't continued her sentence. She started crying and Selena hugged her tightly, trying to calm her.
At this time Zac got back from Selena's room and saw his sister. He was heartbroken when he saw his twin like this and gave her a hug and kissed her forehead. Selena thought it will be better if she let them alone so she went to her new room. It was pink and small but perfect for one tiny person as her with a big french windows and a terrace with a beautiful view of Stormborn. But she couldn't enjoy any of this because she still could hear how her new friend was crying downstairs.
After an hour when she was unpacking her things, she heard that the cry was stopped and then someone knocked on her door.
- It's open, come in. - she said loudly so the person behind the door could hear her.
- I see you are still unpacking... - Zac said the obvious.
- Yeah... How is Taylor? Is she better now? - Selena asked concerned.
- She will be, she always does. - he answered smiling at himself. - Listen, I came here to propose you something. Do you want a revenge-prank on Dylan, princess? - Zac asked her and she started to think. This kind of things wasn't in her style but this time she wanted to do it so she agreed. - Ok, now listen, princess...
It's been 45 minutes in which they considered the plan and they are finally ready. They need to just wait for their victim...
The door opend and two brunettes teens entered at The Place. One of them was a tall, beautiful girl with brown eyes and the other was a boy with hazelnut eyes and sweet smile. These people were Nina and Dylan who saw their new roomate who was sitting on the couch next to Zac.
- Hey, It's so nice finally to meet you! I am Nina. - Nina gave her a welcome honest and warm hug.

 - Nina gave her a welcome honest and warm hug

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- Me too. - Dylan said hugging his best friend.
- Yeah, sure... This is why you leave me at the airport...
- You did what? - Nina said angry at Dylan. - How could you leave her alone?!
- I was with you so... And I didn't leave her alone. Zac was took her, right Zac? - Dylan said as he turned his head to Zac.
- Ughhh...
- No one took me so I get a taxi to come here! Thank God you did sent me the address at least... - Selena said looking down. - You know? I think I made a mistake from moving from Riverdale... I-I think I shoud get back there... - Selena said with sadness in her eyes and the rest too.
- Wait, WHAT?! - Zac asked. - This wasn't part of the plan for Dylan, tell me you improvised now!
-Wait, what plan? - Dylan asked confused.
- It's not part of the plan, I've been thinking about it when I was unpacking and maybe that's why I didn't unpacked all my stuff. I think that a part of me is talking to me that I need to leave Stormborn and go back home...

 I think that a part of me is talking to me that I need to leave Stormborn and go back home

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