5. Surprise...

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- So any ideas what we can do to make the princess feeling at home? - Dylan asked Zac rolling his eyes at the 'princess' word while Zac was playing with a tennis ball, laying on the couch.
- Why you asking me? You're the best friend, not I!..
- Okay, okay... - he said while he was moving. It's always helping him to think. - I've got it! We can invite her parents here for a couple days. Maybe this could help to feel more comfortable...
- It could work.. - Zac said that and looked at the clock. It's 2:54 pm. - But can we do it around 5 pm? I have a date at 3 pm... - he told him putting his hands behind his head.

 - he told him putting his hands behind his head

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- Seriously? Okay.. but I want you to be here at exact 5 pm! - Dylan commanded him.
- Sir, yes sir! - Zac stood up, saluted him and then lay down on the couch again.
- Don't you have to go? Your date is starting after around a minute. - The sarcastic boy raised his eyebrow.
- Ehhh, she will wait. They always wait. - Zac smirked at him.
The time passed. It's 4:27 pm. Zac left before 30 minutes for his date, Nina and Selena are in the library and Dylan is in The Place all alone, watching TV while waiting for the Green boy, until someone opend the door.
- Brother, I have The.Best.New.EVER! I am chosen to sing the national anthem at Laker- Taylor stopped afer seeing that Zac wasn't there and she was actually talking to Dylan. - Ughh, why are you always here? Don't you have a life outsi-? Actually never mind, I know the answer...
- Hahahah, Taylor, you're so funny, good job. - he said fake laughing. - And you'll sing the national anthem?Congratulations... but don't you have to know the anthem first and then to sing it? - he asked her frankly.
- Ughhh, are you trying to be such a moron or it's in your nature?! - Tay answered frankly and little annoyed.-

By the way, give this letter to Selena

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By the way, give this letter to Selena. It's from Lindsay McCall. - She said that giving him the letter and then went to her room.
Dylan was curious what is in it but didn't opend it because he knew that Selena liked her privacy and she'll tell him eventually as always. Then his phone buzzed. It was a text from Nina:
'Hey, babe! I'll sleep at Caroline's tonight. Boy drama. Talk to you later. Bye. Love ya 😘'
At this moment Selena entered.
- Hey, how did it go? Did you have fun? - He asked.
- It was great. The library part wasn't so good but I liked talking to Nina. She is a sweetheart! - She answered adorably.
- Yeah.. - Dyaln said thinking how cute Selena is and when he realized that he shaked his head wanting to remove this thought. - Um there's a letter for you from your mother. Here. - he gave her the letter.
- Thank you! I see that they can't without me for long.. - Selena took it and opend it. Her eyes were full with tears while she was reading. After she reeded it all, she kissed the letter still crying.

Dylan was heartbroken seeing her like this and went closer to her and hugged her

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Dylan was heartbroken seeing her like this and went closer to her and hugged her.
-----------------------------------------------------------Meanwhile on Zac's date:

-...... And this is how she broke up with him. Totally not classy.. - The girl which name Zac didn't even remember, was talking nonstop to him but he couldn't heard a word from her. All he could think about was the sadness of his princess. He didn't knew why, he's not usually like that but this girl did somesomething to him, something no other did before...
- Zac! Hey! Zac! - he surprisingly heard this voice which was behind him and turned arournd to see Nina calling him smiled. 'I've never thought that I'll be so happy to see Nina' he thought.

 'I've never thought that I'll be so happy to see Nina' he thought

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- I am sorry. I need to go, my friend needs me. - Zac 'apologized' to his date and went to Nina. - Thank God that you're here! You totally saved me... - he said hugging her. - So what are you doing here?
- Oh, I came to buy a triple chocolate cake for Caroline...
- Problem with a boy? - Nina nodded for yes. - Do you want me to come? I can make her feel better for seconds, if you know what I mean... - Zac winked at her.
- That's disgusting! Ughhh. - Zac laughed at the face she made and then she leaved. He liked to made Nina doing this face but she knew what kind of guy Zac is so she wasn't surprised and wasn't mad at him. He was still her friend after all.
After that, Zac decided to come back home so he and Dylan could prepare Selena's surprise.
Back at The Place:

Do you want to talk about what happened? - he asked her sympathetically. She didn't answer but gave him the letter without a word still crying. Dylan started to read it:
'Dear daughter,
I wanted to tell you two things. First, your father died in a car accident. I know it would be better to tell you this bad new in personal but when you read this all, you'll understand why couldn't for which I apologize in advance. And now the second part... before I tell you, I want you to know that you mean the world for me just as your father and I love you both more than everything in the world. Okay, I am starting... This isn't just a letter with which I am informing you about your dad... It's a farewell letter too... Today I decided to take my own life so I could be with your father again. I am sorry for leaving you alone, this is my only regret but I hope you understand why I am doing this and I want you to know and remember that there's nothing to do with you and you don't have any fault. You are our proud and we'll be always there in your heart. If you ever feel alone, just looked at the sky and talk. We're there, in a better place, happy.
Please, never forget who you are and live your life full.
Love you endlessly, Selly.
From: Mom ❤'
Dylan turned his face to Selena with sad eyes. He felt her pain. He didn't know what to do or say but he knew that he couldn't watch her like that. He never felt a bigger pain than this in his life. He followed his impulse and he came closer and closer to her lips, ready to kiss her...

 He followed his impulse and he came closer and closer to her lips, ready to kiss her

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