2. The Unexpected

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Selena touched the hands covering her eyes.
- Dylan?! - she siad smiling.
- No, not even close. - the person answered while uncover her eyes. - I am Zac. Zac Green. Dylan asked me to get you from the airport. I said yes because I couldn't let a beautiful girl like you to walk or take a taxi...
- Oh, um, thank you. - Selena said with a fake smile because she was disappointed that another person, not her best friend waited for her.
Zac took her suitcases and put them in the trunk of the car. Selena seated in the front seat, next to Zac.
- Thank you for getting me, you are really nice. I am Selena, by the way.
- You don't need to thank me - it's a pleasure for me to spend a time with a princess... - he said and Selena smiled but actually she thought "is he really said that? what a cliché..."- I know your name. Dylan didn't stop to talk about you. He was really excited that you're coming.
This maked Selena’s smile real but she was still annoyed that Dylan didn't came or answered her calls. She didn't want Zac to notice it but he did.
- I am sorry. I know that you wanted him to be the one who get you... I hope I am not such a bad company...
- Yes, I mean no, you aren't a bad company at all! It's just...
- Don't worry. I understand. - Zac said honestly to her. - Oh, I would've forgot. This is for you, princess. - when he said this he gave to Selena a bag full with gummy bears. - Dylan told me that you have something like tradition with that.
Selena was happy to hear these words and the smile was on her whole face. She taked them and started to eat them.
- You eat their heads first? - Zac asked her surprised.
- It's more humane. - she answered laughing which made Zac laugh too.
After that there was moment of full silent which made Selena uncomfortable and she tried to break it.
- So.... you and Dylan are friends?
- Yeah, really good by the way.... well... we wrere... I don't know, maybe everything changed when he and Nina become a thing and - he stopped because he was interrupted by the girl.
- Wait. Dylan has a GIRLFRIEND??? - Selena asked with little angry but more disappointed tone.
- Yeah Nina. Didn't you know?!
- No... - her face was sad and there was even a little tear from her right eye. Za saw it, wiped her tear and tried to comfort her.
- Don't ruin your beautiful face with tears, princess and think in this way maybe he wanted to be a surprise. I mean who doesn't love the surprises?! The whole TV, books and movie industry is based on surprises, you know. Without surprises, there's no story.
Selena knew what Zac wanted to do and this made her smile and she laughed because of the way he did it. Still she was heartbroken inside but didn't show it.
- So how is she? How she is looking? What is she doing? What is her character? Is she -
- Ok, I will tell you what I think. She is pretty girl, of course not as you... uhmmm, she is from Bulgaria and sometimes, mostly when she is angry, she is saying something in her language. I think she is cursing us but not sure... uhm, she is athlete and... she lives with me, Taylor and Dylan.
- So you guys are living together and she is girlfriend of your good friend and this is ALL you know about her?! And who the hell is Taylor???
- First, ex good friend and yes, and second, my twin sister, my favorite person and my only true best friend.
- First, ok but I still don't know why "ex" and second, that is the sweetest thing that I ever heard from a boy for his sister.
- Yeah, she is the person who I love the most. She can be bitchy at first sight but she has the biggest heart when you get to know her. She is something like Brooke Davis from "One Tree Hill" and Blair Waldorf from "Gossip Girl". And for the other thing, maybe some other time, princess. - he smiled but in his eyes Selena read sadness but she doesn't want to push him so she kept silent for a little and then said:
- Wait, you are watching "One Tree Hill" and "Gossip Girl"?! - she asked laughing in untruthful tone as she lifted her eyebrow.
- The first one is learning us to the things of life and the second is just scandalous and both gave us amazing couples as naley and chair. - he said that in girly tone with which he was trying to imitate his twin and Selena was laughing at that. - Taylor always watched them. EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK. And I was stucked with her so I watched them, unfortunately... At least the girls from both shows was extremely hot. - he looked at Selena and they both laughed.
- Hey isn't that your place? - Selena looked at a small, modern house.
- Yes, we arrived. We, and by "we" I mean only "I", called it "The Place". I hope you will enjo- he was interrupted.
- Hey, Zac! - three girls called him at the same time.
- Helloo, sunshines! - he said it in flirty tone and look. - How you do- Zac was interrupted again but from a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see who that person was and she saw Selena smiling at him.
- Sorry to interrupted you but can you give me the keys from The Place so I could enter with my stuff?
- You could've never interrupted me, princess, in fact I will help you to get your stuff here in our, now yours too, modest home. - he said that and grabbed her things. - Bye, girls. - he left the tree girls with a kiss on their cheeks which made Selena rolled her eyes and the girls waved at Zac for goodbye. The princess and the flirt boy entered in the house together where they see one of their roomates on the couch in front of TV.

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