Chapter 32: A Very Rare Gift Part 2

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"Well, Well, we finally meet. Richard Kurosagi."

"And you're..." Richard wasn't sure what to take from this. One thing is for sure, this man in front of him...he was not friendly. It makes matters worse that he is holding a legendary piece as proven by the intensified glowed from both of their pieces.

"The name is Rusher LeGrace, I am the leader of the wanted criminal group LeGrace. We're after Ragnarok, so if you would be kind to get out of our way we promise to not let your fate be similar to those who stood in our way." He said as he threw the man that he held to the ground.

"I am afraid that will not be possible."

"Oh? And I assume you are going to stop me? In case you did get the memo, Your armor is of no use against me."

"Fufu, do not be so sure." The smaller armored Lieutenant in a blink of an eye appeared in front of the taller blue-haired male which blocked her roundhouse kick albeit in slight surprise.

"Whoa." The brown-haired boy was quite surprised and at the same time excited upon seeing how fast the young Lieutenant was. He wished he has his Omega attire and abilities! However, this is the real world.

"Kula, can you open that glass?" The small orange-haired girl looks at it for a long time while her legendary piece glows higher.

"It is possible but it seems that it will take a few minutes. The glass is made of amorphous metal and a bit of diamond glass."

"I guess you will have to give me some entertainment Miss."


"Guard Ragnarok, and the owner! It is our duty to protect them even if our lives end here!" The small Lieutenant commanded her group. Rusher chuckles.

"That can be arranged," just then for everyone in the room, it felt as if their bodies were grounded under the floor. Before everything was back to normal and Rusher was in front of the group while Azmia was thrown to the air.

('What?') Azmia was astonished, how was he able to get there and throw her at the same time?! His speed is inhuman!? And he is not using the advance X0P Exoskeleton!

"How?" The blue-haired leader of LeGrace just kicked one out of the way before with his mechanical arm clothesline another member of P.E.P.A. Leaving one remaining.

"I am not just your typical criminal that you can easily stop just like that," Rusher told the remaining member.


While this was happening Kula used her monitors to analyze the structure. As she figures it will take a few minutes to cut through the hard glass in the meantime she needs her leader to make sure no one is in the way. Him slowing time will do no good but luckily for her, it just affects Rusher meaning that even if he slow time for himself, time will run normally on her part.

"Humph." The orange-haired small girl threw a thin pin on her left stopping a certain boy from stopping her. "Don't think you can sneak up on me, Mister Kurosagi."

"So those monitors aren't just simple computers. Tell me did you use those things to know the whereabouts of everyone inside this maze? I imagine that you were the one who created it."

"You will be correct. My name is Kula Rowan, I am the daughter of the famous scientist Jack Rowan and as you can tell the owner of the legendary piece The Square Root of Puzzles." She took a pin from her pocket skirt.

"If you value your life, I suggest that you stay where you are and do not interfere in our goal." Warned Kula pointing the pin toward his head.

"Why do you want to steal this? Is it for a black hat hacker?"

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