Chapter 8 - Forest chats

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Scarlet P.O.V

I continue my walk when I come across a forest, I decided to go and have a look through it. No one would be there, right?

As I'm waking in the forest I come across a bridge, I walk over but stop at my tracks in the middle to look over at the view, it was amazing.

There is a river stream underneath me and the sunlight through the trees, makes the river shimmer.

I decide to sit down on the edge of the bridge and just watch nature do its thing, it really is wonderful.

I'm wondering what it would be like to live here forever, I wish, it's just amazing.

I hear someone walking on the bridge so I look over to see Jay making his way next to me and sitting down as well.

"I wish I could stay here, forever you know?"

I look at him and he smiles

"Yeah well you can if you decide to stay with Dizzy, because I know she will stay here forever and not go back"

I sigh "Yeah well I still feel I don't belong here, Someone came up to me and started saying I don't belong here and I never will so I have to follow her rules because I'm from the Isle"

He looks shocked

"Who said that?"

"I can't really remember her name but she was a brunette with a pink dress. Could be anyone really"

He laughs and I chuckle.

"I think I know who you're talking about. Was her name Audrey by any chance?"

There we go

"Oh yeah, that's right, yeah Audrey was her name. She's right you know though. I'll never belong here"

He now looks sad

"I think you will. Besides Me, Mal, Carlos and Evie are from the isle too, look where that's got us"

"Maybe you're right. But right now, I still feel unwanted, even without my father here"

I feel I'm on the verge of crying but I push the emotion away and continue.

Jay looks at me

"It's okay to get upset about these kinds of things you know Scar"

I sigh

"I know"

"Hey Scar?"


If you don't mind me asking but, how did your father treat you on the isle?"

I sigh, I knew I was showing to have to tell them someday.

"You don't hav-"

"No it's ok"

I cut him off

"Before Kovo left, I felt invisible by my father and brother. Not noticed and not loved. After Kovo left, my dad was furious. He took all of his anger out on me. Sometimes he would hit me, claw at me and sometimes he wouldn't feed me. He started to make me do all of his work. After you guys left, my father and your parents became close and ganged up on me. Made me steal pots and pans, fur coats and make up. When I don't do what they told me to do, they would threaten to hurt Dizzy in anyway possible. I was scared for Dizzy and so I did it all.
I never slept properly, I never ate a proper meal and sometimes your parents and my father would just look at me in disgust. They kept saying "Kovo was the better one and Kovo is stronger and Kovo this and Kovo that, always comparing me with my stupid brother. My father gave me a necklace of my uncles tooth after he died, I know I shouldn't be wearing it but, it was the only thing my father ever gave me"

I feel tears steam down my face and then I feel Jay hugging me.

"It's okay to cry Scarlet"

I start to cry on his shoulder and he keeps hugging me.
I never had anyone to comfort me in anything, so I'm really enjoying this, even if I am breaking slowly.

"I'm sorry I'm what my father made you do and if I could, I would've tried to stop it all"

I'm still crying but I manage to spit out

"Thank you"

We sat there until I calmed down and then we got up to walk back to the dorms.

We were walking through the court yard when we were stiles in our tracks by that Audrey girl again and a blond boy wearing light blue.

"Well, well, well, and we thought you didn't have emotions, I was starting to wonder if you had a heart or not"

I realised my eyes would've been a little red still, but it still looked like I had been crying. I glare at her and look at the boy next to her.

"Oh this is Chad, some of Cinderella and Prince Charming as you've heard of"

I sigh

I go to walk off but Audrey grabs my arm and turns me around I push her off and Chad comes and stands in front of her.

"Excuse me! You say sorry you dirty feline!"

I look at him but before I could say something, Jay stands next to me and says

"Leave her alone Chad!"

"It's okay Jay"

I step forward

"If you talk to me like that again, I'll show you what it feels like to looks at a scared face in the mirror every day"

I turn around and leave with Jay following me.

"Hey come to mine and Carlos' dorm, we can chat there"

I look at him and nod.

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