Chapter 11

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What's up guys it's Noah here and I'm sorry my last chapter was short and kinda sucky, got a couple complaints, I'll try to do better this time. Wish me luck, thanks guys. Bye bye 😁.

~Noah's PoV~

Well if she showed, why shouldn't I.

I looked over at Alex (A.) She nodded as if she knew what i was saying.

"Team Crafted?" I yelled.

"Yeah?" Jerome said.



"You heard what he said. stay BACK!" Alex yelled the more aggressive side of her showing.

"We're coming with you."

She didn't say anything, which was odd. She always has a come back.

Instead a light grey fireball shot up from her hand and she threw it at Team Crafted.

Nothing horrible happen just a force field.

At this time Ethan, Laney, and Jinny were holding Bryan down. Alex (M.) stood back and watched Adam, Ty, Jerome, and the others struggle to get out.

"Stay. Theres not much you can do, I mean thats one of the most strongest force field there" Alex (M.) said to them.

They soon gave up.

"Hurry up. We can't h-hold him u-"

Bryan escaped their grasps.

"Ready Gamers? GO!" Alex yelled.

We ran at him, soon we transform. Something that can only be described as colorful portals stood we we transform, but like always they faded.

Ethan had dark wings and a bit of fur covering his skin. He had bulbasaur powers and used them wisely. His hair had gone a complete greenish/blueish color. His hand showed a blue fireball which he soon shot at Bryan.

Jinny had a large cloak cover her while she flew in the sky. The cloak was helpful as any sort of spell just bounced off of her. She put her hand out and a red ball of flame showed as she aimed it at Bryan.

Alex had black wings with red feathers here and there hanging from her back, while a hood appeared like usual, and her eyes had turned completely black. And like usual her hair changed. From a soft chocolate ombre/brown to a black mane with red tips.

Alex (M.) wasn't much, but she was insanely helpful. She was a soulkeeper. Now that doesn't seem like much, but when she has plenty of spells to catch him off guard? That helps a lot. The spells she usually uses are very strong.

Laney was a fox as you already know, but she also has an extra morph. A lion. Her hair turned to a gorgeous golden color while she roared. She was insanely strong and could tear anyone to pieces.

Now me?

I was a penguin and a timekeeper. Why a penguin? Thats what I asked, but I learned to love this morph as i could easily glide anywhere and this was helpful during battles. I could turn things in to ice and freeze my enemy when they are very weak. And i could freeze time to catch up to this enemy when he/she was getting away. I wore a black suit which fit me perfectly

Anyways, i slowed time down a bit when Ethan gave me the thumbs up. We sometimes talk telepathically.

{Italics in quotation marks are when we speak telepathically}

"Hey Laney, pounce on him."

"On it."

"Hey Noah, slow it down a bit. Its time to tango."

"Got it."

I pulled my watch out and slowed time down.

Its time to catch up on old times buddy.

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