The Search For Boomer

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Chapter 9

Jacob had been sitting in his office for hours thinking about Gabriela and how desperate she was  to find Boomer. Even though she never said anything about searching for him, Jacob just felt very strange and couldn't help but think about what condition Boomer was in.

The thought of a poor dog wandering around on the streets of Hope County, was a little devastating for Jacob. The wildlife in this County was extremely dangerous, wolves were always walking around in packs, cougars were just as dangerous and grizzly bears were the hardest predators to kill. There was no way Boomer was alive when Jacob was thinking about the wildlife, surely he was killed but Jacob wanted to make it a mission to find Boomer on his own.

He grabbed his truck keys from the desk and rushed outside to his truck. "Sir is everything ok?" One of his men asked. "Everything's fine, I've got something to do. It's going to take a little while, I'm putting you in charge to make sure nobody slacks off when I'm gone" Jacob ordered his man and jumped into his truck.


He drove for hours, searching places that he thought a lonely dog would be but he was unsuccessful. Jacob was on the verge to give up on the search for the day, he was so keen to see Gabriela's face when he went home with Boomer next to him. She'd be so excited to see Boomer after a long time.

Jacob radioed the man that he left in charge, telling him that he was heading home for the day. As he continued to drive back home, he noticed a pack of wolves chasing something in the woods. Stopping the car Jacob took a better look at the object that was running away from the wolves and noticed that it was Boomer.

"Shit" Jacob jumped out of the truck, grabbing his rifle and ran into the woods chasing the pack of wolves. "BOOMER" he yelled trying to get the dogs attention so that he could lead him to Jacob's truck but the dog was terrified and just wanted to get away from the hungry wolves. Jacob could see in Boomer's eyes that he was getting tired from running, god knows how long these wolves have been chasing the poor dog.

Boomer was eventually cornered by the wolves and a large rock that he couldn't jump over or run around. He backed into the rock, shaking like no tomorrow as the wolves got near, showing their teeth and ready to pounce on him. As one of the wolves got near Boomer, Jacob found the perfect opportunity to shoot the wolf. BANG, went his rifle and the wolf fell onto the ground with a gun wound in its head, the sound of the rifle managed to scare the rest of the wolves away.

Jacob emerged from behind a tree, watching Boomer tremble in fear, he approached him slowly and showed that he was friendly. Boomer started whining as Jacob got closer to him, "it's ok Boomer, I'm not going to hurt you" Jacob assured the terrified dog. "Come on Boomer, I'll take you to Gabriela" it was at that moment the dog stopped shaking and Jacob noticed his tail wagging.

Boomer slowly and cautiously approached Jacob, sniffing his hand and eventually rubbing his wet snout against Jacob's palm. The Soldier knew that he finally got Boomer's trust and carried the dog back to his truck.

He put Boomer into the passenger seat and jumped into the drivers seat. "Gabi better appreciate the shit I do for her" he said as he smiled at Boomer. Jacob drove off heading back home and couldn't wait to see Gabriela's reaction when she saw Boomer.


Jacob arrived home with Boomer, opening the door for the dog to jump out of the truck. Together they approached the front door where Jacob opened it slowly and quietly and saw Gabi watching tv with Echo beside her.

"Hey Little Lamb" Jacob greeted her. Gabriela looked up at him and greeted him with a smile, "why are you just standing there for? Come in". "I've got a little surprise for you" Jacob said and swung the door open.

Boomer pounced in with his tail wagging like no tomorrow, Gabriela's eyes widen and her mouth opened when she saw Boomer and started getting tears in her eyes. "BOOMY" she yelled as she stood up and ran to the dog, falling on her knees and hugging Boomer ever so tightly. "Oh my god, Boomer my boy" she started crying and looked up at Jacob, "where did you find him?". "He was getting chased by a pack of wolves in the woods. I saved him just before they made a meal out of him" Jacob replied back smiling.

Gabi shot up from the ground and jumped onto Jacob, arms going around his neck and kisses on his cheek. "Thank you so much, thank you" she kept saying in between kisses. Jacob put his arms around her waist and chuckled, "Jesus calm down Gabi. If I knew you'd act like this I would have found Boomer a long time ago".

She looked at Jacob with the biggest smile on her face, "Boomer's staying right?". "Of course he is, I didn't go through all that trouble trying to find him, only to put him back on the street" Jacob put her down and caressed her cheeks with his thumbs. "You're the best Jacob. Thank you so much for all of this" Gabi put her arms around his waist and leaned her cheek against his chest. "It's fine Little Lamb. Now you've got two pets to look after while I'm not here" Jacob looked down and saw Boomer and Echo sniffing each other.

"See they are friends already" Jacob pointed at the two animals and Gabi watched them. Both Boomer and Echo's tails started wagging and they began jumping around with excitement. "We are going to be one happy family" Gabriela said as she continued to watch the dog and wolf.

Hearing her say that was strange for Jacob, he didn't expect her to say something like that and he didn't know how to respond. He turned her around to him and placed his hand on her cheek, "family?" He asked her and she nodded. "Well of course that's only if you really want that. I'm sorry I'm just making shit up in my head. I'm just so happy at the moment" she babbled on.

"If you want to be a family, then we can be but I've got rules and that involves joining Eden's Gate" he raised an eyebrow at her and waited for her to respond. "Do I have too? I mean if it means I get to be with you forever than I will but is it really a requirement?" She shrugged. "Unfortunately it is little lamb. Joseph would be on both of our backs about it and I'm never in any mood to deal with him" Jacob smirked. "Ok fine, I'll join Eden's Gate but only for you" she hugged Jacob again and smiled.

Soldier's Pet (Jacob Seed X Female Deputy)Where stories live. Discover now