Family Day Out

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Chapter Seventeen

Jacob drove back into Whitetail Mountains and to a big land that was big enough for the canines to run around on, plus a small pond. The couple jumped out of the truck, Jacob opened the door and let Boomer and Echo out. They ran out onto the field and went absolutely crazy. Jacob had a blanket in the back of his truck, he grabbed Gabriela's hand and walked with her to where Boomer and Echo were running around.

Jacob placed the blanket on the ground, near a tree and helped Gabriela sit down. He sat behind her, leaning his back on the tree and made Gabriela leaned into his body. She placed her head on his chest and relaxed into his body, watching the canines with a big smile.

"Just imagine this moment with our daughter running around with them" Jacob smiled at her comment and drifted into his thoughts, imagining his daughter with Boomer and Echo. "They will be very protective over her" Jacob responded back, "They won't let anyone near her that's for sure". Gabriela nodded at him, "yeah they are going to be the best big brothers. I can already see it". Jacob wrapped his arms around her tightly, putting his face into her neck and gave it a kiss, "look what you've done to me. I was one of the toughest, meanest and scariest man in this county". Gabi laughed, "you still are, you're just soft and lovey dovey towards me baby. Don't change towards everyone else, continue to be that tough and scary Jacob Seed that everyone is terrified of".

Jacob smiled to himself and leaned his head back against the tree, watching Echo and Boomer. "Our daughter is going to very lucky to have a father like you Jacob. You both are going to have the best father daughter relationship ever, I can't already tell" Gabriela turned her head to look at Jacob, he was still smiling as he drifted away into his thoughts again.

He can imagine it himself, running after his daughter when she's up to mischief or begging her dad to chase her. Oh he couldn't wait for those days, he put his hand on the baby bump and rubbed the fabric of Gabriela's dress, "I can't wait to meet her" he whispered. "Me too baby. I hope she looks like you, Ginger hair and blue eyes. Oh how adorable" Gabi laughed.

"Don't get me too excited Little Lamb, we've still got a whole four months left for our princess" Jacob chuckled. "Ahh don't remind me" Gabriela giggled.


A good half an hour went by, Boomer and Echo has worn themselves out and were sleeping beside Jacob and Gabriela. The beautiful fresh air had knocked Gabi into a nap as well, still leaning against Jacob who was lost in his thoughts, imagining these moments with their daughter. He looked down only to realise now that his partner had fallen asleep. He looked at his watch and noticed that the time was getting late. He gently shook her to wake up, when she opened her eyes and looked up at Jacob, "come on honey, let's go home".

The sound of "home" was good enough for Gabi, home is where she wanted to be right now with her feet up and sleep on her comfy bed. First though, she and the baby needed food and she was sure that's how Jacob felt as well. "Can we stop off somewhere and get food?" She asked Jacob as he helped her get up. "Hmm my girls are hungry, I'll cook you something at home how does that sound?" Jacob winked at her and Gabi loved the idea. She's never eaten something that Jacob had cooked and she couldn't wait.

Boomer and Echo followed them to the truck, Jacob letting them in first and then helped Gabi into the truck. He jumped into the drivers side and started driving back home. Jacob and Gabriela were exhausted, he was starting to regret the decision of offering to cook. Maybe takeout was a better idea, at least when they get home, they could put their feet up and eat. "I know I offered to cook but are you still up for takeout?" He asked looking between her and the road. She let out a sleepy laugh and nodded, "of course honey. I was going to tell you not to worry about it, you just seemed excited about cooking". "Yeah that was before we jumped into the car" Jacob replied.

The pair got home just as the skies went dark, they had ordered pizza and Gabriela held herself back from opening the lid and grabbing one. She wanted tonight to be special, a movie and pizza was what she wanted and made Jacob do it. Gabriela decided to go for a romance movie and put on Titanic, she loved that movie way too much and despite it being a long movie, she knew Jacob wouldn't last through it. But she put it on anyways and snuggled into him, placing his hand on her baby bump while he ate his pizza with the other hand.

Soldier's Pet (Jacob Seed X Female Deputy)Where stories live. Discover now