Pregnancy Cravings and Hormones

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Chapter 12

It was a rough pregnancy so far for Gabriela, the morning sickness were horrible and it made her feel weaker by the day. Jacob had informed Joseph and his men that he'd be taking a few days off at the beginning but days turned into weeks, which than turned into a a month an a half.

Now that she was past 12 weeks, Gabriela and Jacob were finally able to celebrate. In six months time they were going to be welcoming a baby into the world and they couldn't wait.

Joseph, John, Faith and the whole cult were just as excited about the baby news, though Joseph was on Jacob's back about getting married before the baby arrived. "It is the right thing to do" Joseph kept mentioning to his big brother but Jacob kept rolling his eyes.


It was 3:30am in the morning and Gabriela had woken up with a craving for chocolate, lucky she had a stash hidden away in one of the kitchen cupboards so she slowly got out of bed and tippy goes to the kitchen. She opened the cupboard and pulled out a stash of chocolate and chose her favourite chocolate.

"What are you doing?" She heard Jacob's voice and saw him lean against the frame of the kitchen door. "Cravings I can't help it Jacob" she said and shoved a piece of chocolate into her mouth, "do you think I enjoy waking up at this time of the night just for chocolate?". She grabbed another chocolate bar from the stash and unwrapped it, Jacob approaches her and put the stash of chocolate up in one of the higher cabinets. "That's enough chocolate for tonight. Back to bed, March" Jacob ordered clapping his hands.

"Well that's just rude, you could have at least given me one more chocolate" Gabriela rolled her eyes and walked back to the bedroom. "You've already had two that's enough for one night" Jacob laid down next to her and pulled her closer to him so that he could cuddle her to sleep.

In the morning Jacob was the first one to wake up, looking next to him, his partner looked to be in a deep sleep and now that she was not suffering severe morning sickness anymore, he decided that he'd return to work. He knew that he was going to have a lot of work to catch up on, especially paper work on all the new recruits and all the people that his men have captured. This meant that he was going to have months of work to complete in order to be back on track, it unfortunately meant that he'd have to stay back late and work on weekends as well. He hated the thought of leaving his pregnant girlfriend home alone for such long hours but he was also determined to get everything before his baby arrived.

Jacob stood up from bed, got changed into his usual outfit and walked out of the cabin. Looking at the time, it was only 6:30am, way too early to be at work but he had no choice. "I'll give her a call later" Jacob said to himself as he started pulling out of the driveway.


The clock him 9am, Gabi slowly woke up and saw that Jacob was gone. She yawned and stretched out on the big bed before slowly getting out and walking to into the living room. Jacob wasn't home it was obvious, she was slightly upset because she had gotten use to having breakfast with him every morning. She looked at Echo and Boomer who were still sleeping, she shrugged her shoulders and walked into the kitchen to get herself something to eat.

As she was about to start digging into her cereal her phone rang and it was Jacob. "Good morning little lamb how are you feeling?" Jacob asked. "I'm ok I guess. Are you at work?" She curiously asked him. "Yeah and lucky I came in, I've got a mountain of paperwork in front of me at the moment" he explained and Gabriela knew that she had to start getting use to waking up without him. "So I take it that you won't be coming home for dinner?" She mixed her cereal around waiting for him to respond. "You're gonna have to have breakfast and dinner on your own for a little while baby, I've got heaps of work to catch up on before our little pup comes to this world" Jacob knew she was disappointed and upset but at the same time he knew that she wasn't going to argue about his work.

"Oh I didn't realise it was going to be that long. Whatever I guess, work is important too" Gabriela responded and decided to make up something so she can close the phone, or else Jacob was going to hear her cry and that was the last thing she wanted him to hear, "talk later Jacob. I might have a bath to relax and you have tons of work to catch up on. I guess I'll see you tonight if I'm awake". She could feel her throat choking up and without saying anything else or letting Jacob say anything, she hung the phone up. "Fucken pregnancy hormones" she said as tears rolled out of her eyes.

She left her phone on the table in the living room, knowing Jacob would call back and question her about hanging the phone up on his face. She walked into the bathroom leaving the door opened just in case, open the tap to fill the tub up with a nice warm water and threw in a cotton candy bath bomb. Just as she had sat down in nice warm bath, she heard her phone ring. "Too bad I'm not picking it up" she yelled at the phone like an idiot and just enjoyed her bath.


Gabriela stayed in the bath for a while, she looked at her fingers and toes and saw them wrinkly like an old prune so she decided to get out. She put the towel around her body, walked out of the bathroom and decided to check her phone. Yep it was Jacob that called her again, she saw on the couch and rang him back.

Jacob opened the phone almost immediately, "why did you hang up on my face before?" He was angry, work was already stressing him out and when she hung the phone up on him, he didn't like it. Gabi took in a deep breath and decided to explain it to him, "because I was upset, you do remember that I'm a pregnant girl who's hormones are going crazy right? Cut me some slack for fuck sake" and boom she hung up on him again. She sent him a message telling him not to ring her up.

Standing up she walked into the bedroom, "fucken hell I was so relaxed after that bath now he had pissed me off again" she said to herself while she started getting changed. She got extremely annoyed when she couldn't find anything that fit her, her tiny 3 month baby bump wasn't letting any of her pants zip but or go over her tummy, and the dresses she had were a little tight fitted. She wanted lose clothes to wear now that she was showing slightly. She decided to rampage through Jacob's shirts and took a white one out. He was a big guy compared to her so his shirts were like dresses, so she put her bra and panties on then Jacob's white shirt and went back into the living room to watch movies with her canine babies.

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