How To Catch A Virgin Pt.2🔞

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{Don't judge me please I'm a lil sensitive UnU-}


"So what happened on that night anyways?" KC choked on her drink, looking at Kia with a confused face.

"I'm sorry what?" She asked after taking another sip.

"You know, the one with you and Taeyong in the flower bath~" Kia wiggles her eyebrows, scooting closer to KC. Everyone else was sleeping in their rooms so it was just them in the 'Tea Room'. Fancy Victorian walls and furniture, complete with every Mean Girls (without the second movie, it's expired tea), Pitch Perfect, Will Smith and Chris Rock movie you can think of.

Pretty much your perfect gossip heaven to spill and laugh at all the tea in the world. With actual tea.

"Nonya business Kia." She huffed. "You weren't in it nor apart of it, you were too busy watching your KDrama's!" She folded her arms and faced away from Kia.

"I mean, Taeyong had to know where to get the silk and flowers from." Kia shrugged. "Besides, he wouldn't know half the stuff he did to you if it wasn't for me."

KC turned her head around slowly, realizing what actually happened before she came back home. "You told him?! Kia that was supposed to be kept in the sin drawer."

"You know I couldn't help it." She laughed. "The poor kitty didn't want his owner to be in pain~"

"What happens in the sin drawer STAYS in the sin drawer. How many times do we have to bring this rule up again."

"I will never listen."

KC sighed, turning herself around to face Kia again. "You had a job."

"And I don't like jobs, except for the blowing and hand ones."

"Fiiiiiiine." KC groaned, refilling her glass. "Only because your my best friend...and almost only friend that I do have. And I know your secrets too." She takes a sip and sets her glass on the same table. "Don't make a comeback to that one or I will leave."

"You got me there!" She laughs, downing her glass and refilling another in a matter of 10 seconds. She leans close to KC, crossing her legs and smirking "Now spill."

(Nows a good time to play that video in the bg 😉)

"Are you ready to take me, angel?"

KC's breath hitched, her cheeks burning in a very bright crimson shade. She glanced down for a brief moment, noticing the pants on the hybrid we're getting smaller around him. She didn't expect any of this to happen at all, yet here she was.

Her eyes went back up to Taeyong's, which were staring back at her for what feels like an eternity. Or at least long enough to know that the speakers started playing Sweet Lies by EXO. She took a deep breath and let her body take over, shutting her brain down from thinking to keep calm. "Taeyong...I'm ready."

Taeyong leaned back far enough to meet her lips with a soft but passionate kiss. His arm took her by the waist, closing the gap between their bodies. A hand snuck into the strands of her hair, inevitably messing up the loose braids it was in, setting it free from its bindings. KC's arms were lightly hanging around his neck, softly scratching behind his ears as she broke the kiss to breathe.

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