Chapter 5 - Girl in Coma After High School Party Paralyzation

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Chapter 5 - Girl in Coma After High School Party Paralyzation

I stared out the front window of the Chevy with eyes the size of saucers. My knuckles were as white as a sheet and I was pretty sure my face mocked them all the same. I desperately blinked and tried to stop the aching of my eyes. The ground vibrated from the loud music that came from the house several yards in front of me. I shivered slightly from the breeze that blowed in from the open door.

"What the hell did you do to her?" I heard a growl reverberate from a certain bad boy who had found my friends trying to coax me out.

"She gets stuck like this when she's nervous." Heather explained, wearily. "Its like she's paralyzed."

I glanced over to my brunette friend and gave a tight nod. She was wearing a white tube top and floral print jeggings. Praise the lord for my dear friend who knew me so well.

"So..what you're saying is..?" Aidan trailed off.

"She's probably not moving for a while," Roxy nodded.

I felt jealousy course through my veins when I saw the way Aidan gave her a once over. She was tall and lanky and could rock anything. A zippered up, white lace crop top and black lace skirt was what she chose today and I couldn't help but wish I had the courage to wear something like that. Even if I did, I'd probably look like a stuffed sausage in it.

"What do we do?" Alex asked, his eyes never leaving me and I immediately felt bad. Roxy and Heather rarely got a chance to do something like this. Heather should be with her boyfriend, Roxy should be critiqueing the awful music choices. Alex had talked non-stop about this for the entire week and here he was standing out in the driveway.

"You guys go inside." I gave them a tight lipped smile and nod.

"You sure?" Heather studied me.

"Go ahead, I'll take care of her." Aidan flashed them a smile and I relished the one last withering gaze I got from my friends before they dissappeared into their doom.

I sat there, my knuckles beginning to go numb and I could picture it now, me passing out and having to be rushed to the emergency room. They would mourn me and curse the world for how foolish they could be to make me go to a high school party. It would be in all the papers:

Girl in Coma After High School Party Paralyzation.

I could feel his piercing blue gaze burning holes into the side of my face and I turned my head to glare at him. A smile stretched across his face as he reached across and unbuckled the seat belt.

"She can be cured." He grinned at me and I felt nerves building up more as he picked me up. Everything in my body told me to scream and hit him and tell him to set me down but I couldn't move. He carried me like a baby all the way up to the front steps until he dropped me. Literally.

I rubbed my butt as I stood up, giving him an evil glare and took a couple of steps into the house. I felt his fingers brush the small of my back as they rested there, shooting tingles all over my body. He urged me in as he continued to walk, him pushing me slightly. My heart began to beat faster as the warmth from his hand spread all over my body.

Stop being a crazy hormonal teenager, Emily, and pull your shit together.

Aidan did that weird thing guys do where they like high five but handshake and nobody really knows what its called. Yeah? You know what I'm talking about. But he did that with a lot of guys when he first walked in and then made his way over to Alex. I looked around but Roxy and Kade were no where in sight and I felt panic rising in my chest. Heather had probably found Noah and ran off to do whatever couples do at parties.

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