Chapter 7 - For the Love of Chocolate Cheesecake

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Chapter 7 - For the Love of Chocolate Cheesecake

I fidgited nervously in my seat as I picked at my food tentatively. I rolled a tomato around my bowl with my fork and looked up to catch Aidan taking another ginormous bite out of his burger. The whole reason he'd taken me off campus for lunch was so he could tell me his plan to get back at Ben without prying ears and eyes. We'd been here for almost ten minutes and he hadn't even brought it up. I stared at him expetantly but he just continued to be off in his own little world. I let out a frustrated sigh and suddenly he slammed his fist against the table.

"I got it." He grinned devilishly and every ounce of faith I had in this turning out good for me drained from my body. I wiped my palms on my jeans and looked at him.

"Prepare for a strike of genius." He gave himself a drumroll on the table. "You're going to pretend to be my girlfriend."

I laughed for a few minutes but felt a dying sensation inside when I realized he wasn't joking around. I quickly cleared my throat.

"How's that going to help me get back at Ben?" I asked and crossed my arms across my chest, trying to be more serious.

"Just listen. His power is in your reaction. To everyone, you're that girl who's still following him around like a sad puppy. At least that's what he's been talking it up to be. You're going to show the entire student body that you could care less about him and how? By getting with me." He smirked and leaned back in the booth. "Ben may be popular but jumping from his bones to mine, that's gonna catch some attention."

I rolled my eyes and threw napkins at the conceited baboon.

"Just listen, the entire student body will immediatly notice that you and Ben's fuck isn't nearly important as he thinks it is and he'll turn into the desperate one." He waved a condescending pickle at me as he talked.

I nodded slightly, interpretting everything he was saying and realized he was right, it was about as good revenge as I could get. I mean worse case scenario this is a cruel joke he's playing on me but he seems pretty sincere.

"Ok." I said finally and his eyes lit up in excitement.

"You'll do it?" He tapped his hand against the table and a victorious smile spread across his face. "What are you doing for Halloween?"

"I don't know." I shrugged. "Probably taking Chelsea out trick-or-treating and then coming home to watch movies."

"Ok well now you're going to a party." I felt my heart threaten to come crashing out of my chest and onto a bloody mass on the floor and he must have noticed I was panicing. "Its gonna be at my place and this is gonna be our big debut so I'm not taking my eyes off of you this time." He tugged a cheesy grin up at the corners of his lips, chewing as he did so.

I still felt nervous at the thought of being at a party again but I knew he wasn't lying to me.

"I still have to take Chelsea out though." I looked down. "My mom and brother are going to be working and my dad's.. yeah."

"Yeah, I get it. I'll go with you guys." He reached out and held my hand which caused me to jolt backward. "We'll have to work on that. Get used to me touching you in little ways cause that's going to be happening a lot more."

I nodded slightly, realising he was right and tried to relax. How was I supposed to pretend to be his girlfriend if I was awkward around him? I'm gonna have to practice.

"Do you have a costume yet?" He asked, taking a sip from his Coke and I gave him a dumb look.

"If I wasn't planning on going anywhere, why would I get a costume?" He rolled his eyes and shook his head as if I was the one causing him problems.

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