Chapter 6 - I'm the Reincarnation of the Devil

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Chapter 6 - I'm the Reincarnation of the Devil

I woke up from the best sleep I'd had in a long time and was completely engulfed in warmth. It was like I was wrapped in a huge, fuzzy, heated blanket. It reminded me of this pair of pajamas I used to have as a little kid. My parents had gotten them for me before all the fighting started and whenever things would get bad, I would wear them and everything would feel better and right again. Eventually I got too big for them and my aunt used the fabric to make a stuffed bear. I pictured the little thing propped up on my shelf, my security blanket for years.

An intoxicating scent surrounded me and I buried my nose into the sheets, relishing the smell of shampoo with every beckoning moment of my existence. It made me feel higher than a seven year old on happy crack. I let out a sigh of pure pleasuee and bliss and then it felt as if a boa constricter was preparing to swallow me hole. Panic rose in my chest as I tried to move but felt a log trapping me. My eyes shot open and I looked around frantically to see a navy blue comforter and grey walls. Then my eyes darted to the person that was encumbering me and felt my muscles tense but quickly relax as I realised it was Aidan. I eased back into his embrace and watched his sleeping face. It was a rare and fragile thing to see him in such a vulnerable state and like this, his eyelashes long against his cheeks and the sound of his steady breathing, I could almost pretend he wasn't the big bad boy I knew. He seemed so content with the world like a little baby, like nothing in the world was wrong at this particular moment in time.

Then a loud groan abrupted from him like a bear and I was yanked on top of him. My eyes widened to saucers when he gave me a cheeky grin, him looking at me through slitted eyes.

"Done admiring me yet?" He cocked an eyebrow and a blush crept up on my cheeks. I hit him on his chest and awkwardly shuffled off of him, the close proximity getting to me.

"You wish." I huffed and stretched my arms out over my head before having them fall limp again. When my eyes opened again he was staring at me and I began to feel self-conscious. I can't imagine what a mess I looked like.

"This is the part where I tell you that you look better in my shirt than I do right?" He gave me his trademark smirk. "But I mean don't get me wrong, you look hot as hell, but I'm still a sexy beast and no one - not even you, princess - can beat me."

He struck a pose that flexed his muscles and I rolled my eyes, throwing a pillow at him. I pranced downstairs in search of some breakfast. I opened the pantry and looked around, hunting down some Honey-Nut Cheerios. Those were my babies.

I felt my heart stop as every cell in my body vibrated, already knowing he was right behind me before his arms secured around my waist and he pulled me back into him. I could feel his hot breath fanning my neck and goosebumps erupted from everywhere.

"We need to talk about last night." I felt my knees turn to complete jelly as I tried with all my strength to not let my voice quake.

"What's there to talk about?" I squeaked out and cursed under my breath.

I was suddenly flipped around so I was facing him and I felt every cell in my body scream at how close he was. I stared at his neck because I feared if I looked up any higher I would see the devil himself glaring at me.

"What the fuck happened?" I could hear the edge in his voice and I flinched. "I leave you for two fucking minutes and you wind up in bed with some deuche."

"I'm sorry," I whispered out and I could feel the tears pricking at the back of my eyes.

"Sorry?" He let out an amused laugh. "I can imagine you are. So what did you expect, he'd wanna be with you? He thought you were an easy shag, Emily. And I think he proved his point. I don't see why you like him. I told you from the start he was a jackass."

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