Chapter 8 - Living in a Real Life Dollhouse

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Chapter 8 - Living in a Real Life Dollhouse

It seemed as if it was any other morning on break. I woke up, got dressed, and hopped downstairs. I opened my phone to see a text from Aidan but as I stepped into the kitchen, I froze before getting a chance to read it. My mother sat at the small breakfast table with Chelsea and across from them, my father.

"What is he doing here?" I backed up slightly.

"Why, darling, I suggest you adjust your attitude." My mother tilted her head at me. "Why don't you come in and have some breakfast?"

"I thought you got dicorced. I thought he wasn't coming back." I crossed my arms over my chest and stared accusingly at them.

"Are you feeling well honey?" He gave me a worried look and I felt disgusted at the fact he'd addressed me so warmly. "Why don't you join us for watching the parade?"

I ignored his comment and got a banana from the counter and sat at the table next to Chelsea, who seemed unfazed. I avoided eye contact as I stared at the giant turkey float being pulled down the street.

"Where's Dustin?" I asked, not looking away from the TV.

"He went out for a little while, he should be back later." She nodded and took another bite of her eggs. "The Blacks are planning on coming over and joining us for Thanksgiving dinner."

"What?" I looked at her in surprise.

"Well, me and Jennifer were talking and neither of us have family coming into town so we figured we could get together for it." She smiled sweetly and patted my sister's head. "Why don't you two go ahead and get ready?"

I knew what she meant was that my responsibility was to make sure Chelsea and I looked like we were fresh out of a family magazine.

I threw away my peel and followed Chelsea up the stairs. I was overwhelmed by the pinks of her room as I am every time.

She wore a white dress with a daisy on the skirt. She sat at a vanity she got for Christmas a few yeard before and I combed out her blonde hair so that it was manageable.

"Are you ok?" I asked as I pulled her bangs back with a bobbypin.

"I'm fine." I smiled slightly at her through the mirror and kissed her on the head. "Is it ok if I stay in your room?" She looked at me with puppy eyes and I nodded a little. I mean, how could I say no to that face?

We made our way to my room and I changed into a soft pink and white lace sundress. I curled my hair softly and tied it half up with first a rubber band, and then a loose bow.

"I wish I was pretty like you," Chelsea mumbled as she watched me apply my makeup.

"Now, why would you say that?" I applied the final coat of lipgloss and turned to face her.

"Because you're gorgeous and I'm just, me." She shrugged looking down and I felt my heart crack for her as I kneeled down in front of where she sat on the bed.

"You don't like the way you look?" I raised my eyebrows at her and she nodded, avoiding my eyes. "Well, that makes two of us."

"How do you not like yourself?" She looked at me like I was crazy.

"I'm sick of seeing my face. I mean I'm the one who has to see it all the time. So yeah, I'm allowed to be sick of seeing my face, just as much as you're allowed to be sick of seeing yours." I smiled a little at her, earning one back. "I think you're so, so pretty, but you don't have to agree with me cause you're the one who lives with it forever."

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