I don't know how I got any sleep last night but somehow I did.

The next morning I was woken up by the sunlight peeking through the curtains and skillfully aiming directly at my eye.

Cursing at nothing in particular I got up rubbing my eyes until it was too dry. And then a very sweet smell hit my nose and by instinct I started sniffing the air almost like a dog would.

The smell pulled me out of my room and into the kitchen island until my eyes landed on the delicacy.


"Hey, you sleep well?"

And just like that I was snapped out of my daze.

"Y-yes. Are those for me?" I asked while pointing at the pancakes.

"No they're for the dog I don't own." He said with a straight face.

"Omg, Jimin I love pancakes." I jumped straight into the pancakes concentrating entirely on how to relish every inch of it.

"I know, enjoy." He said smiling softly.

After a few bites I noticed him stare right at me. I looked up confused.

"Am I that gorgeous?" I asked.

That earned me a laugh from Jimin and I found myself smiling wide.

"Yes you are. No doubt. But I guess we should talk." And just like that he took the plate away from me leaving me whining and complaining.

"I'll give you it, but I suppose you have something to tell me?"

Slowly looking up from my kidnapped plate of pancakes I looked at him and everything that happened last night came rushing in and spilling out of my mouth.

I hadn't meant to spill it all out. But seeing the face Jimin had, the worry, the care, I just had to.

And as I finished, leaving me breathless and heaving, I saw Jimin come up to me and pulling me into a hug.

"I'm sorry, Y/n, I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault. You have nothing to apologise for." I managed to breathe out against his shirt. "Who was to know that Jungkook would become like that."

"It is my fault. If only I hadn't introduced you to Jungkook back in high school, you wouldn't have to see this day. I cannot believe Jungkook is capable of being so...so...heartless." Jimin said while finally letting go of me.

"No, Jimin he isn't heartless. You've got it all wrong. He was and still is an incredible human being. He just...", voice now becoming a whisper. Tears welling up of its own accord.

"He just doesn't love me anymore and we can't do anything about that, can we? It's not even his fault I was not enough." I said adding a pained smile across my face.

I just had to deal with. I knew that.

"This will all be over, Y/n, I promise. I won't let you suffer for long. As long as I'm here you have nothing to worry about. Ok?" He said.

"I know."


"I don't KNOW."

I whined. It was my turn tonight to decide what to order.

Indian or Mexican?


"Jungkook, you know how hard it is for me to decide anything. I feel sick when it comes to making decisions. I'm like that guy from The Good Place. I'm pretty sure he's a fellow Gemini. You know how Geminis can't make choices."

Totally frustrated, I spread out my hands towards my husband while sitting on the sofa. The leaflets on both my sides.

That was cue for Jungkook that I needed a hug. He knew it.

He looked at me from above his laptop. Let out a really loud grunt so I could clearly hear it.

I did and chose to ignore it. Instead I made my really famous pouty face I knew he wouldn't ignore.

In a second I saw his face melt.


I saw him close his laptop, shook his head while chuckling softly. I saw him come up to me with that oh so soft smile. I wanted to boop that nose so badly at this point too.

And then in a second he crash landed on me. Taking me in a really tight hug.

"Now Junggukieee~ Tell me what to choose."

"It's just food Y/n. Choose anything. You literally brought astrology into this." He said while letting me go and plopping beside me. A hearty laugh followed.

"It is what it is, Jungkook. Now please be a darling and relieve me of this misery. Oh prince charming! Save me!" I exclaimed, dramatically putting my hand on my forehead.

Jungkook broke into a fit of laughter.

Ah, how much I loved making him laugh.

"Order Indian. I'm craving for some naan."

"Indian it is, sire." I exclaimed.


"Wanna order some takeout?" Jimin asked me while I was sitting on the sofa. I was watching TV but wasn't really concentrating on what was happening. If someone were to cover my eyes at this moment and ask me what I was watching, I would totally stumble.

"Y/n dear, did you hear me?"

"Ah yes, yes I'd love to." I replied, finally out of my daze.

It's not that I didn't hear him the first time. My mind just chose to ignore his question and I don't know why.

"Indian or Mexican?" He asked.

I didn't reply.


"Oh yeah, what did you say?" I asked genuinely.

"Do you want Indian or Mexican,Y/n?" He asked again. He was patient.

And after his question got registered in my brain. And soon that same feeling of indecisiveness came back.

I found myself bawling my eyes out in a second.

Jimin came rushing beside me.

"Y/n, what happened? Did I say something that hurt you?"

"No, Jimin, I just can't decide." I told him.


[A/n: Hola! I'm so so sorry. I had just lost inspiration this last year. I was struggling from accepting myself. And I doubted everything, even my writing. And I know it's not great but I realized that even though it may not be great I still love to write and after a year and help from my friends, I'm back with another chapter.

I'm sorry again.

Peace out.✊]

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