3. A Plan in the Making

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Crystal's POV

"I'm sorry," The muffled voice came from behind the closed door and then Julie was throwing open my bedroom door and stepping into the hallway with us. "Did you say Jackson Storm?"

Marrek frowned at Julie. "You know him?"

"I know of him," Julie said. "People call him The Storm-stupid as that is-because he's practically the equivalent of a storm. He leaves a path of destruction everywhere he goes. He's a nightmare."

I looked at her. "Why exactly do you know who he is?"

Julie looked back at me and said nothing. Finally, she spoke. "You don't want to know who I play poker with on Wednesday nights . . . or where for that matter."

Marrek reached around me and pulled my phone out of my back pocket.

I didn't stop him. "What are you doing?" I asked him instead.

"Making arrangements to find this guy."

I reached for my phone. "I can take care of that." Marrek kept the phone out of my reach.

"Not going to happen," Marrek said, still keeping the phone out of my reach. "I already didn't like everything I'd found out about him on my own and now Julie's only confirmed that this guy is a very high-profile con man, so you're not continuing on without me."

"You got me his name," I said. "I can do the rest."

Marrek turned his back to me when I tried to take my phone back again. "You asked me to find this guy, that's what I'm going to do. If I determine you don't need my help to handle him then I'll walk away. Until then, however, you're not getting rid of me."

I let out a huff of annoyance as I glared at his back.

"I agree with Marrek," Julie said. "Even though I've never specifically heard anything about him being particularly violent, you never know what someone will do when you back them into a corner."

"I don't intend to back him into a corner," I replied. "I intend to shove him off a cliff."

"Be that as it may," Julie continued. "I don't think you should be tracking this guy down at all. I mean, what reasoning do you have to go after this guy other than personal revenge?"

A necklace.

I didn't say anything. I turned toward Marrek and noticed he was studying me curiously. He crossed his arms over his chest once again, my phone still in his hands as he stared me down.

"Is there something more you want to tell me?" He asked.

Translation: Are you going to tell me what you're hiding? Or am I going to have to beat it out of you?

And Marrek would beat it out of me if he thought he could get away with it. Taking a beating from Marrek was not on my list of things I wanted to do now or ever. Telling Marrek exactly why it was important I got to Jackson Storm before my father wasn't on my to-do list either.

So, I just stared blankly back at him. "No," I replied.

His eyes narrowed in a threatening way and his jaw clenched up. I glared right back at him. Our staring contest was interrupted by a black and brown ball of fur barking loudly and running down the hall to God knew where.

Marrek was cursing. "Hunter! Come," He shouted. There was the sound of something crashing. Marrek cursed some more. "I'm taking you back to obedience school!"

There was a low growl from down the hall.

"Well then get back over here," Marrek said. "No more running rampant."

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