16. A Second Lead

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My apologies for the super late update. Trying my best to get back on a regular updating schedule. Can't make any promises though. Sorry

Crystal's POV

"What did I tell you about locking the doors?" Tessa asked the Latino man standing in the doorway.

He gave her a flat look. "If someone comes walking into the house uninvited, they're never leaving."

Sophie looked between her parents. "What does that mean?"

He smiled down at her. "Nothing."

"Fertilizer," Tessa muttered under her breath.

He glared at Tessa.

I looked over at Jackson and blew out a frustrated sigh. "Do I even want to know what you did to this guy?" I murmured to him.

He didn't bother even looking in my direction. "We should just go," He said.

I raised an eyebrow. And decided I wasn't going to listen at all. After all, the sooner we got the information Jackson wanted, the sooner I could be rid of his presence.

I took a step toward the man-Jackson swore-and held out my hand. "Crystal Carver," I said.

He didn't look at all surprised as he took my hand. "Gabriel," He replied simply. "Do I even want to know what Tessa got herself into this time?"

"We're looking for someone that your wife previously had business with."

Gabriel shook his head. "She's not my wife. I'd sooner bite the bullet than marry her."

Tessa didn't look at all fazed by his comment. "Right back at ya, Sugar," She replied.

Sophie's nose had crinkled up in confusion as she looked between her parents. "What does bite the bullet mean?"

"Why don't you go inside and get out the cookie dough and you and I will make the biggest cookie ever," Tessa suggested instead of answering her question.

Sophie's eyes got big and she started bouncing on her feet. "Really?" She asked.

Tessa smiled and nodded. "You bet."

Sophie let out a happy scream before turning and sprinting into the house.

Gabriel gave Tessa a deadpan look as soon as Sophie was out of sight. "She doesn't need any more sugar."

Tessa shrugged. "I'm the fun parent."

"You're something alright." He rolled his eyes and picked up Sophie's backpack. "I'll leave you to your business then," He then shot a glare to Tessa. "And I'll make sure she doesn't destroy the kitchen until you make it inside. The kitchen that you will be cleaning tonight."

She waved him off. "Yeah, whatever." She watched as he walked inside and closed the door behind him, then she turned back to Jackson. "How do you know him?" She asked bluntly.

Jackson didn't react to her question. "I don't," He replied simply. "And correct me if I'm wrong," He started, changing the subject from himself for once in his life. "but Caucasian and Latino don't exactly make Asian."

"Adoption, Jackson," Tessa snapped. "I thought you were smarter than this."

Jackson rocked back on his heels with his hands shoved in his pockets. "I am, I just can't imagine why you would voluntarily adopt a child."

Tessa rolled her eyes. "You wanted something from me, right? Get on with it because my patience is practically gone and bashing your face in is looking more and more appealing."

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