48. Who?

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Crystal's POV

"I will say," Jackson started as he turned to look at me. "I did not feel badly for what I did to you." He waved a hand dismissively. "And I'm not talking about after you stepped on my yacht. I'm talking about before when we first met. You were a means to get back at your father and well, I despise the man. He took away everything from me. So, ruining his life and by extension yours, seemed like a good start."

He looked down at me and I noticed his eyes softened. "Although," He said. "You . . . are nothing like your father. That much has been made abundantly clear. So forgive me," He said as he gazed back at me. "For what I did to you then."

I stared at him with a small smile on my face. I could see the sincerity on his face. In his eyes. Knew that he was truly sorry. And yet I decided to screw with him anyway.

I crossed my arms over my chest and pretended to look thoughtful. "You know," I said. "I didn't actually hear an apology."

He threw his head back and laughed. He shook his head and then looked down at me once more, a look of amusement and a smile on his face. He took a step toward me. "I'm sorry, Crystal Carver," He said softly. "Truly, I am."

I let out an overexaggerate sigh. "I mean," I started. "As far as apologies go that was . . . acceptable."

"Acceptable?" He questioned as he took another step toward me.

"Yeah," I replied with a smile as I took a step toward him.

"Oh really?"

"I think if it was louder and if there were more witnesses . . ."

He reached out and tapped me on the nose. "Smartass," He said.

I looked at him. "How did you beat Sarah?" I asked him.

A sly smile crossed over his face. "I may have had a rag soaked in chloroform shoved in my pocket."

I shook my head with a smile on my face. "You really are ridiculous."

"Babe, I was not going to win that fight," He said. "You and I both know it." He threw his arm over my shoulders and pulled me into his side. "And I really do hate getting drugged."

"So do I," A familiar voice spoke up.

Jackson pulled away from me and in one quick movement, I was shoved behind him as he stood between me and Sarah.

She watched him with curious eyes. She wasn't smiling. She didn't appear to be angry. She was just . . . calm.

"You know," Jackson started conversationally. Though as he spoke he kept his eyes on her every move. "I'm pretty sure I made sure you inhaled enough chloroform to knock out a horse."

She shrugged as she stood on the wooden steps, one hand holding a leather notebook, the other on the railing beside her. "I've developed somewhat of an immunity to most drugs."

Jackson nodded. "Judging by your background, I would believe that was true."

She looked out over to the rocks in the distance. "I take it Kurt's dead," She said.

"My condolences," Jackson said as he watched her. "Not really."

She shrugged again before looking over her shoulder. "FBI's showed up." She locked eyes with Jackson. "I think it's time for The Storm to blow out of here."

Jackson continued to watch her closely, as did I. Though she wasn't making any threatening moves. Wasn't making any threats period. She was just standing there on the steps talking to Jackson calmly as if they were discussing the weather.

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