21. Till DEATH Do Us Apart

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Thanks for waiting.

I apologize for the long wait. I do however have the rest of the month as well as most of next month off from my college courses. So, we'll see how many updates I can get done.

I realize you all have been waiting for a long time, but my college classes will always come first. And since I'm studying for a degree in biochemistry, they're not easy courses. So if I have to take the majority of my time to study and work on the classes, I will.

Now, enjoy!

Oh, and Agent 34 has been updated as well for those of you reading that book.

Crystal's POV

"Mr. and Mrs. Jones," Jackson said to the woman at the front desk. "We're here to check-in."

"Tell me," I whispered in Jackson's ear. "When you had Noah create these fake identities for us, did you happen to have him put a life insurance policy on you?"

"I don't believe so," He replied as he turned to me. "Why?"

"Because I'd like to know if Mrs. Jones gets any money to her name once I kill you."

"It would have to be an accidental death."

"When you drown, it'll look accidental."

"Is being married to me that bad?"

"I've had nightmares more pleasant than this."

"I think I should feel offended."

"Do you?"


"I hate you."

"Till death do us apart."

"Yes," I agreed. "Emphasis on death."

Jackson just shrugged and kept his focus on the woman as she typed in her computer and then began sorting through room keys.

"Alright," She finally said with a smile. "Here are your room keys. I hope you both enjoy your stay with us."

Jackson threw an arm around my waist and pulled me flush into his side. "Oh, we will," He replied with a smile. "Princess here has had her heart set on this place for our honeymoon ever since I proposed."

"In this convoluted backstory you're making up out of thin air," I whispered in his ear. "At what point do I get to shoot you?"

He smiled down at me and tapped me on the nose, his arm firmly around my waist and keeping me pinned into him. "Now, now Babe, let's play nice today."

"What do I get out of that?"

Jackson waggled his eyebrows at me.

"Forget I asked," I muttered. "I no longer want an answer."

He turned and smiled back at the lady. "Thank you very much," He said (way too gleefully, if you ask me).

"You're welcome," She pointed to a map on the wall behind her. "Here's a copy of the resort map," She pointed to a stack of folded glossy papers on the edge of the front desk. "and if you need anything at all during your stay don't hesitate to ask."

"Oh we won't," Jackson said cheerfully. He squeezed my shoulder and looked down at me in false adoration. "Ready to go, Princess?"

I shot him an overly exaggerated sweet smile. "After you, darling,"

He smiled back at me, except this time it was his usual smirk, and tapped me on the nose before leading us both down a hallway. As soon as we were out of sight of anyone else, I immediately threw his arm off my shoulders and took two steps sideways.

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