33. Caught in the Middle

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Leaving for a short, overnight trip tomorrow, so no updates for the next couple of days. Might have time to get in another one today, but I don't know, we'll see.

Crystal's POV

I stepped out of the bathroom, towel in hand, still drying my wet hair, to a shouting match. I paused in my task and looked toward the balcony doors, thinking it wouldn't be such a bad idea to try and climb down.

"There is no way-" Damien started to say only to get cut off by Marrek.

"Just give me what I want and be done with it."

"I'm not giving you what you want," I heard Damien say. "But I'll sure as shit give you what you deserve."

There was a deep low growl from Hunter, who was also apparently in the room.

"Good boy," I heard Marrek tell hunter.

"Call off your damn dog."

"I'd love to see you make me."

"I'm so confused," I heard Julie say in between Marrek and Damien's shouting match.

I let out a sigh, knowing full well I was going to regret this. I set the towel down back in the bathroom and walked into the living room they were all in.

"If I meant her any harm," Marrek said just as I turned the corner. "I'd have tortured and killed you for the information by now."

Damien looked at him in disbelief. "Is that supposed to get me to trust you?"

Julie, who was sitting on the chair in the corner of the room just looked between the two of them with wide eyes. But her wide eyes looked like they were from excitement rather than surprise or fear.

Noah on the other hand, looked absolutely terrified sitting on the couch, a computer in his lap, looking between the two men with wide eyes.

"What is going on?" I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest. "And more importantly why on earth is it happening in my room?"

Both Marrek and Damien turned to look at me briefly before going back to glaring at each other.

"You going to answer my question?" Marrek asked Damien.

Damien shook his head. "Not a chance in hell."

"Fine," Marrek said before turning to Hunter. He let out a sharp whistle and pointed to Damien. Hunter suddenly turned to Damien with a low growl, mouth open, teeth barred, and began barking menacingly at Damien.

Noah clapped his hands over his ears and sunk back into the couch. Julie turned me and said, "Who do you think is going to win?"

I closed my eyes and pinched at the bridge of my nose, swearing under my breath.

Jackson decided to take this opportunity to grace us with his presence and walked into the room from the hallway with two drinks in his hands. He stopped in front of the door just as it closed and looked between Marrek and Damien who were still shouting at each other to Hunter who was still barking as well.

Between the three of them, I wasn't sure how Damien and Marrek could actually hear what the other was saying.

Jackson then turned to look at me and something in his expression seemed to . . . change. It wasn't his usual smugness, it was . . . guarded almost but for only a moment. He came walking toward me, his usual smugness taking its place on his features.

"Two drinks," I questioned. "Really?"

Hunter's barking suddenly got louder and I winced and then shrugged as I looked at Jackson's drinks. "Never mind," I said. "this time I understand."

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