High school A/U

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He was the kid that sat at the back of the class room with nothing to say. He always was quiet until one day he was paired up with you for a project. "(Y/N) and Ashton together." You had never talked before so you were kinda nervous. You walked up to his desk and he was sleeping. "Uh we are suppose to be paired up together." He nodded and wiped the dried drool off his mouth. "I'm Ashton, you're (Y/N) right?" You slightly nodded and he laughed at you. You guys were in Chemistry together so you had to mix some kind of chemicals together. He picked up the first test tube and held it up. You shook your head and picked it up to put it back in the slot. "Sorry, I'm just not that smart." He shook his head and looked around not wanting to embarrass himself in front of you. "Well how about after school I ca tutor you, this is my best subject." You lightly blushed and he nodded happily. "Thank you."

"Anytime", your cheeks burned red.


He was the shy kid that never said anything to you, even though you sat next to him. He would always scoot away when you got closer to him. "You know I don't bite." You laughed at him. "Oh, I know, just I didn't wanna get in your way." He quietly said. "In my way? You're not in my way!" He looked at his work and quietly began to start it. You did the same ten saw a hand reach towards your shoulder but jerked back. "Yes?"

"Huh? Oh um can you help me with this I just I don't get it." You leaned closer to him, "well you take the square root of 64 then times it by 5 to get the answer." (Nice problem right?)

"I have a problem to ask you", he swallowed hard and his eyes were looking around not at you. "Yes?"

"What's you plus me equal?"

"How about some movies tomorrow?" You smiled brightly at him.

"That would be great", he blushed and when he thought you weren't looking he quietly celebrated.


Punk boy, you laughed at that. He looked mean and punk like he would tear your head off of you talked to him. You knew better than that. You grew up with him, until he met that whore of a girlfriend which he just broke up with. You were walking through the halls when you ran into him. "I'm so sorry are you okay?!" He started to scramble. He looked up and saw his friends. He puffed out his chest making you giggle. "I mean hey watch where you are going."

"All right Mikey." You laughed. His friends were holding their stomachs laughing so hard. "Don't call me that." He gritted his teeth. You knew this really ticked him off but you didn't care. "Why Mikey, don't you like it." You winked playfully. All of his friends were now rolling on the floor. "(Y/N), don't." His cheeks were now red and you laughed at him again. "Hey Mikey, your cheeks are red." One of his friends said in a girl voice. "Guys shut up!"

He walked off in a fast hurry before you caught up with him. "What do you want?"

"Well I want you to stop being something your not and be my best friend again." You crossed your arms. He shook his head. "Can't do that." He mumbled. "Why not!" You stomped your foot. "Because I just realized when you called me Mikey it brought back memories of how much I loved you, I can't be just best friends with someone I love." Your heart hit the floor and all you could do was stand there.


You heard the laughs as the teacher pointed at Calum to sit next to you. He was the popular soccer player who everyone liked in school. You rolled your eyes at him. You weren't popular so all of his friends laughed at him having to sit with you. He mumbled something and his friends were laughing at you. "Listen if your gonna talk about me, say it to my face." Your mumbled. When you did your work you felt someone poking your back. "What?" You turned around quickly. "Can you please help?"

"Yeah, I'll help, seeing as how you don't know what anything is going on."

"Yes I do!"

"All you would know is what bra size that girl has seeing as you've been staring at her cleavage since we started." He nodded and smiled at his friends. You started to talk then he wasn't paying attention so you shut up and turned around. "Why did you stop?" He mumbled. "You weren't listening."

"Yeah I was, I just can't pay attention to one thing." He smiled and then You realized he was wearing a 'All Time Low' shirt. Your eyes fluttered and you looked at his face. You had never noticed how attractive he was until now. You never looked at him in the face. You were too busy rolling your eyes. All time low was your favorite band. "What are you staring at (Y/N)?" He looked confused. "Your um shirt, All Time Low is my favorite band." You slightly blushed. "No way!" He almost shouted. "Yes way!"

"I love that band, um hence the shirt." He laughed and looked you in the eyes. "You know, I wouldn't mind getting to know you better." He winked playfully before turning back to the desk.

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