You're 3 years younger than him

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You had gotten a lot of hate from this. "She probably is just a tag along for right now, no one loves her for real." These comments really hurt you. Ashton came home and you were sitting on your bed crying from the hateful comments from Twitter. Some were nice and you replied to almost everyone. He ran in and saw you, "babe? Are you okay?" He wiped your tears away. "Do you still love me even though your older than me?"

He sat up straight, "oh hon of course I do, why wouldn't i?"

"Well I don't know, I mean I'm 16 and your 19 and I just didn't know." You bit your lip from trying not to cry. "Listen, I have a personality like a 16 year old so it's not much of a difference." This made you laugh and he put his arm around your waist. "Either way, I will always love you." He kissed your forehead slightly and you giggled.


You were walking along town when you heard a 18 year old girl call from the streets. "Funny how I could get Luke if I wanted, but a little 15 year old had to beg him." You rubbed your arm, this wasn't true. When you first met Luke you knew you were right for each other. You acted like a 18 year old anyways so I didn't really matter. Luke stepped out and hugged your waist. "What you doing sweetie?"

"Nothing", he kissed your cheek and laughed. He realized that you guys were three years younger. He didn't care, he loved you either way. He saw the girl and waved at her thinking she was a fan. The girl waved back at you not Luke. Meaning told you so. You messed with your hands not wanting to say anything to Luke. "What's wrong angel?" He rubbed your arms slightly. "Nothing." You said again completely oblivion to what was happening. "Lies!" He said and tickled you. You starts to smile and laugh. "Now what's wrong ?"

"Would you ever leave me for, um someone older?" He smiled and came closer putting his arms around your waist pulling you close. "No, absolutely not, your mine and I'm yours, I don't care how old you are. Wait that came out wrong, your only three years it's not like it's 5 years differents."

"I love you Luke", you turned around and kissed him lightly of course he kissed back passionately. After you finished you waved at the girl. "I love you too." He smiled.


. You had just turned 15 and he had just turned 18 so it was alright. Your parents had some difficulty with it, but they got over it. You were in your 2nd year in highschool and only a few kids knew until one day. You had forgotten your notebook at Michaels that might and you really needed it. So you texted him in the middle of class.

To Mikey <3

Babe! Please bring me my notebook, I left it over there.

From mikey <3

Babe, what about the fans? They will go crazy!

To Mikey <3

Nevermind it I'll figure something out.

You breathed hard, you understood the fans would go crazy and that some would send hate cause you were younger than him. You really needed it. Your teacher walked up and asked you were your homework was when you realized besides your notes your homework was in there. "Um I um", before she could say anything there was a call on the phone. "Yes? Hello? Well alright I'll send her down."

"(Y/N), office." She pointed towards the door so you got up easily. You walked down and there was Michael. You smiled at you saw him hold out his arms. You ran and hugged him tightly and kissed him quickly. You took the notebook out of his hands and saw two of the popular girls with a 5SOS t-shirt on. They started to freak before you could do anything. "Oh my gosh! That's Michael freaking Clifford they started to scream." They ran up to you. "Did you just Um kiss?"

You nodded and they looked at you. "Oh, eel you all are too cute! Can you sign our shirt Michael?" He nodded and laughed before signing their shirts and when they left giving you one last kiss.


"Calum stop it!" You were running away from Calum because he was tickling you. He finally caught up with you and you started to laugh and kick. You heard Footsteps and tried to get up, but Calum wouldn't let you. You looked up to see one of his friends, Angela, Staring at you. You had never met her before, but he had invited all of his friends over today to introduce you. "What are you five?" She laughed at you. Calum looked up and hugged you smiling, "no she is 15." He kissed your cheek lightly. "Hmm", she flipped her hair and you pushed yourself away from Calum a little. "What's wrong?" He pulled you closer so your head was in his chest. "I just, I feel like your friends are gonna see me as a little kid not a older person."

"A older person? You mean when Ang said that about you?"

You nodded slightly. "She was just playing around! She knows I love you I don't care if your 15! You are the sweetest and maturest girl I know so it's like your 18 anyways." He laughed. You nodded and he kissed your cheek lightly.

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